Thursday, September 30, 2004

This couple is attacked my a lamp monster....oooooooh....

So the other day I got a bottle of Yoo Hoo at the Bagel Chateau, except when I got home and tried to open it, the stupid cap wouldn't budge. I tried so hard to open that damn thing that I ended up screwing up my thumb! Can you believe it? I think I pulled a muscle in my hand, and it's made my thumb not so helpful ever since. You never realized how much you use your thumb until it's on strike. It's even kinda difficult to simply hold a book in my right hand. I mean, I can do it, but my hand goes all "WTF, cut it out, I'm sleepy" at me. Stupid YooHoo. I should sue. But I won't. 'Cause it's just too yummy.

Oh, also, it's hard to crack my knuckles this way. 'Cause making a fist into my right hand makes it owie. Booooo.

I watched that show "Lost" today. It looks pretty cool. All mysterious and stuff. Either it'll be way good and be my new cult show ('cause there's no new Buffy and they don't even show it in the afternoons anymore :-( ) or it'll suck and get cancelled. And it's got the guy who played Merry in Lord of the Rings, who's actually normal sized and kinda cute. Linda called me a nerd for knowing who he was. And then we had a fight*. In bikinis. Covered in jello.

Oh. Baby.

So not only did my "Rollin' with the Homies" shirt always rock, but it rocks even more now that I've discovered one of the little hampsters running around in the little hampster ball has GOLD TEETH. That's frickin' SWEET.

I'm off to be a geek or something. 'Cause it's fun. Bye, loves.

*I love you, Linda!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Shut up, David

I obviously meant I'm halfway to...your mom. Hush up. Damn you and you're brains!

Monday, September 27, 2004

P.S. It's my HALF birthday. I'm HALFWAY to 20! Yikes!!!

Oh Canada...this title has nothing to do with anything...

Hello Lovers,

So get this...last night at like 2 in the morning (in the shower of all places...yup, I took a shower at 2 AM. 'Cause I'm mad cool like that.) I realized that along with the final version of my scene for Acting class (which kinda sucked balls, by the way...I got a B. Bleh. I want an A!! But our scene was ass, so I guess I should be glad for the B...hopefully better next time, eh?) I had to write out this whole role analysis shiznit. So I was like "Alright, no big deal, I'm not that tired, I can do it, it shouldn't take too long." The damn thing took me till 4:30 in the morning!!! I had to answer a ton of questions on my character, followed by writing up a bibilography (hooray for EasyBib!) and printing out a gazillion papers of research. Poor trees, I wasted so much paper.

So I go to class this morning, kinda tired, but at least with my work done....and the teacher tells us he's giving us till Wednesday to do the role analysis and bibliography!! ::smacks self::

So now I am sleepy. And my shoulders feel funny and tense. And I won't get home until like 7. Oy.

I really wish I didn't have such reservations about sleeping in public, otherwise I'd totally pass out on the comfy looking couch in the cafeteria lobby.

Sunday, September 26, 2004 how cheesy is it that Extreme Home Makeover ALWAYS makes me teary...I mean, I've only seen it like twice. But still! Whenever the family comes home I'm like "Ooohhh....look at how happy they are! ::tear::" Such a cornball...

Saturday, September 25, 2004

What do me and Flavor FLAAAV have in common?

You would not believe how many hits I get now of people looking up Bridgitte Nielson.

Honey, does this make me look fat?

Hello lovelys..or lovelies....hmmm...? Thank you for all my fun comments I got. :-)

So last night I went to bed way way too late and was kinda cranky over something stupid and then had bad dreams and overslept. Not just a little. Like...four hours. I woke up just as my math class (which I actually LIKE. My teacher is way cool and a good teacher and very nice.) was ending. Boo. I'd even done my homework, too. She doesn't even check it, but I do it anyway!

So yeah, that's stinky. And I told my mom I didn't feel good and that's why I was home all day and not at class. I could have just told her I slept through my alarm, but...she's been known to be iffy on that kinda thing. She might just go "Oops." or she might freak. So anyway, I'm actually not feeling so hot for real. I think I have a little cold. Hrmm. So I did sleep for most of the day.

The only problem here is that it's officially Yom Kippur. So I'm supposed to be fasting. Except I slept through dinner with my parents and temple tonight, so I had to eat at like 9. Which I wasn't supposed to do. And I've been insanely thirsty (I think having to do with the cold) and have been drinking water, which I'm also not supposed to do. Yargh. Not a good start. And now I have some guilt goin' on.

Yeah, so I was talking to Linda and we both LOVE that song on the Boost mobile commercials and want it to be a real song. My favorite part is Ludicris, I think. But yeah, they should make it a real song. Because it rocks my world. And then I'd play it on the radio. Whee!

*By the way, I need a new title for my blog. Suggestions anyone?

*And no, Philippe, I'm not calling it "Read my blog and I'll get all nekked for you"

*Also, I just realized I do not own a little black dress. This must be remedied. Mm, if only I had the money to remedy it with ;-).

Friday, September 24, 2004

Dude, does anyone remember "Mathnet"?!

1. It's 1:43 AM and I have yet to do my math homework.

2. I have no pants on!!

3. Maybe I shouldn't scream that across the internet...hmm....

4. I'm writing in numbers 'cause it makes everything way easy.

5. It's been decided by numerous people that my English teacher is an idiot, and made a sexist-ish comment in class, which also had nothing to do with the point he was trying to make.

6. I have a rather sick addiction to Sims 2. It's probably a bad sign.

7. My grandmother keeps calling my house asking whether we're going to sleep at her house ('cause why should we sleep in our nice three person sized house when we can go half an hour away and cram into her two bedroom apartment for no reason?). Then she insists that either I, my father, my aunt (who lives in Indiana, btw), or "someone" is there in the house with her. We're pretty sure she gets extra confused when she gets tired and thinks that the voices she hears from her television are us in her house. She also gets really mad now when you have call waiting and are trying to get her off the phone (even though she's the one who interrupted the call). And she continues to be somewhat not nice to me. Which makes me feel icky, because she's my grandma, but at the same time I feel like maybe I'm being unnice to her because I don't know what to do with her anymore but be frustrated and try and tell her she's being nuts and try to insist she needs help (which makes her really mad and makes her start saying really mean things to me like I don't care about people and I'm immature and stuff). Plus today I started laughing when she showed up and was talking with my mom about how me and my dad are always at her house. Because we're not. And a lot of the time when things get nuts I just laugh because it's that or completely lose it. And I'd much rather laugh. So she said I was being "smarty". Which I think is crazy old lady talk for smart ass. But I couldn't help it! Sigh. What's really sad is I'm finding it hard to remember when she wasn't like this. And I know she wasn't always. But I can't remember. And I hate that. Because we used to be really close. And she used to take care of me when I was sick. And babysit me. And once, my friend called me saying she was scared of some guy who kept ringing her doorbell, so Grandma drove me over there and waited for the guy and yelled at him that he was scaring my friend and made me and my friend giggle a lot because she yelled "You scared the hell out of her!" and we were 10, so someone saying "hell" was really funny (he turned out to be a roofer who was looking for her mom). And once, her friend said I wasn't pretty and my grandma yelled at her and told her I was always pretty and after her friend left, my grandma said to me, "What an asshole!" and made me laugh. So this blows. Because she's actually this brilliant person who graduated when she was 16 and was always slightly nuts (but nothing like this!), but also pretty cool. And now she's just nuts and scared and not so nice and won't let us help her.

8. And now it's 2:05 AM. And I'm going to do my math homework and go to sleep. I'm way tired now. Good night.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Deep Blue Something

Here is something silly and sappy.

Alright, so if you think about it..when was the last time you got to say "I love you" to someone? I mean, someone who's not your parents or relative or whatever.

I didn't notice until lately, but saying "I love you" can feel really good. I don't really get to say it very often. To my parents or my grandmother occasionally. Or Mari or Linda once in awhile. But other than that, it pretty much doesn't get said very often. Which is kinda sad. Because I miss saying it. But at the same time, it's kind of good. Because when I do get to tell someone I love them, it's special.

Anyway, that is my sappiness of the week. Bye.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

::cries because she slept through the season premiere of Gilmore Girls::

More later.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Don't hate me because I like the new Sarah Jessica Parker/Lenny Kravitz Gap commercials.

I TOTALLY need some sleep.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Thoughts on the Surreal Life

Bridgette Nielson + Flavor Flav = disgusting naked hilarity.

And it's really terrifying that Bridgette Nielson reminds me of my ex-boss, but taller and naked-er and skinnier.

Seriously, how does someone walk around naked like that and be comfortable? I could never do that.

Jordan Knight's a bastard. And Charro is alarmingly normal. At least compared to the rest of them.

Who wants to give me a massage?

K, so all I can say after this weekend is OY.

How very Jewish of me. But I just spent the entire frickin' weekend (four day weekend, no less) with my family. Ahhhh!!!

My aunt and uncle from Indi came in, which was cool, except that they were staying with my crazy grandma. So we had to see all of them every day this weekend, and deal with my grandma telling us the same things over and over and not making any sense whatsoever. Plus we had to have secret meetings about how to convince her she needs some kind of living assistance because her memory's totally shot and she refuses to admit it.

Along with that side of my family, we also had my dad's side coming over for dinner on Friday. So there's crazy grandma, two aunts, two uncles, random friend of my mom's, parents, and me. It wasn't too bad, except that my mom always gets nuts when people come over and really crabby and takes it out on me and my dad. And my dad becomes completely insane over what can go where...he wouldn't let me keep my shoes by the door...who doesn't keep their shoes by the door? Anyway, it was okay, just exhausting and y''s there's always a bit of "OhmylordgetawayfrommeIcannotstandyouanymore" going on. Plus my grandma keeps insulting me. I don't know if it's really insulting, or just disapproving commentary, or just crazy old woman talk, but either way it's not exactly appreciated.

I haven't had a real meal not with my family pretty much all weekend. So I'm way tense. Plus I have two days of school work to catch up on. Yeesh.

Oy, and now I see that I missed a call from Mari. Mari pretty please don't hate me? Seriously, I've been glued to mi familia all weekend. :-\ ::is terrified Mari will kill her::

I need some food. And a massage. And an extra day off.

Friday, September 17, 2004


::has a breakdown::

So will be here in an hour...gaaaah

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Audio Wardrobe Malfunction

Hello lovers...and y'know...non-lovers...whichever,

Guess who's the hottest new radio star in Jersey?...If you guessed're totally wrong. But I am on the radio! Sort of...

I'm one of the newest members of the school radio station. If you can actually call it a radio station. The only place it actually "broadcasts" to is the cafeteria and area by the entrance to the cafeteria. And no one really listens. Seriously. I was on air for a little over an hour yesterday, the entire time was spent trying to get one person to call in for a contest. But hey, it's a lot of fun, and I can pretend people are actually listening. Apparently they do get callers from time to time, although I think half the time it's people calling to yell "You suck!" at you and then laugh themselves silly with their friends while scarfing chicken fingers. But hey, I THRIVE on people like that. I ADORE people like that, if only because they give me a chance to be wittier than someone else.

So yesterday was my first day on the air. It was my first day doing anything radio related, actually. I was supposed to just sit and watch one of the other DJ's do his thing, but he decided that he had other work stuff to do and that me and they other new guy should do his show. Whaaaat? Fortunetely, the controls are pretty simple (although I managed to screw up all the time while trying to use them!) and we got into the groove of it pretty easily....Okay, maybe that's a lie. My fellow new DJ guy, Chris, got into the groove easily. I was more like "What? There's a microphone in front of me? What's that for?....Words? Do I know words? Who? What? Huh?!" That radio stuff is harder than it looks. Sure, I'm great at talking to myself, but not when there's like..other people listening!

Of course, my first day on air couldn't just be burdened by my own self-esteem issues. There was also a little FCC violation involved. ....Oops. See, Chris and I had to pick out songs to play pretty quickly so we could set them up and have them ready before the current song ended. We were running out of time, so I grabbed a Black Eyed Peas CD and shoved it in the player. Unfortunetely, I didn't realize it was an unedited CD. Did you know that the word "shit" is in the song "Hey Mama" about 6 times? 'Cause I didn't! As soon as Rob (the shift manager) realized what song we put on he rushed in to warn us and show us how to use the mute button when the bad words came on. So I tried it out, and the first time I hit it right on time. The second time, however, I wasn't so lucky...I hit it a little too early and so all you could hear was "Hey Mama....(no sound no sound) SHIT (no sound as I freak out and hit the button again) music finally continues"....Hehe....oops.

Anyway, other than that, it was pretty much okay. And the people who run the station seem pretty cool. And hopefully we might get the station streamed onto the internet so people not in the cafeteria could actually listen to it. And then my musical taste will be forced upon you all!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!

K, my brain's all fuzzy...time to stop writing. Bye!

Monday, September 13, 2004

People need to stop having the same phone as me...

There is NO ONE online at 2 in the afternoon on a Monday. Everyone is at work or school or napping. Lucky bastards. I wish I could be napping. Damn me and my not being able to go to sleep before 2. I'm going to go see what's up with the radio station. Leave me comments. I have two hours between classes after English. I need things to amuse me.

I used HTML on this entry..I'm hardcore...

I am sooo hungry. And soooo tired. So why am I sitting here in the library writing on my blog?...No, seriously, I'm asking.

I just got out of acting class. I have three classes today, all pretty stretched out from each other. So I'm stuck with a bunch of free time. I don't mind that at all, I just kinda wish I could go home and take a nap. And also that my hot chocolate this morning had caffeine in it..or chocolate...the people at the quick check place really need to change their hot chocolate around...I got like all hot water and some chocolate looking foam that really tasted nothing like anything but hot water foam. Boooooo.

I was talking to this girl today..and she had a snot issue. I HATE that. Seriously, people. Once you're out of 2nd grade there's really no excuse for not realize there's snot hanging out of your nose. I think that's probably one of my biggest pet peeves. Snot. is. nasty. I DON'T want to look at it. And it's not really like you can say anything about it when someone's having a snot awareness problem. I mean, sometimes I'll be like "Oh, you sound kinda stuffy, do you need a tissue?" and hope that they'll say yes. But most often, they do not, and then I completely don't know what to do and I have to try and look away without seeming completely rude. Yech yech yech. Just thinking about it makes me shiver.

Yes, also


Yay, it's Linda's birthday! I <3 you, Linda. And just for you I'm writing Happy Birthday in big letters on my blog even though I know people who I haven't said happy birthday to in big letters on my blog will yell at me. Ain't I generous?

*I did all that HTML myself, I didn't use that lame ass little button shit that Blogger made up...I'm badass....

No offense to those who use the button shit. I just have way too much time on my hands sometimes.

Yeah, I SERIOUSLY need food. Bye now. More later....maaaaybe....

Rock out...

How much do I want this shirt?!?!?! I want it just so I can wear it on election day, hahaha...

Kerry is a Rockstar Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Still messing with photo 'cause's too small?

Edit: Eh, screw it, if you think it's too small just click on it to see the larger version, I'm too lazy to deal with this shit anymore.

Friday, September 10, 2004


Okay, so here's what I noticed. Anytime I go to Wet Seal and get a guy at the register, he's always completely gay and I always completely want to be his best friend. And I was going to put an exclamation point there, except that my English teacher told me not to...but he's a weirdo anyway so...!

You're so shallow...wait, that's not it...

Playin' with my photo again...look it's all contemplatey and serious..and black and white!! And also shows off my pretty new hair cut...wheeee....

I'm way cranky now because apparently like everyone I know is on except me because they only let certain schools on. Fuckin' a.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Yo, Anonymous people!

I don't think I spelled that right...but anyway....please at least sign some sort of a name when you post comments? I have someone saying I stole their name and I don't even know what name that would be! I mean, it could be Robin, it could be TypicalBrunette, it could be Supreme Ruler of all Tube Socks*......I am I to know?

*Originally was intended to be a much funnier ruler type Supreme Ruler of the Nether Regions of Your Pants...except that was completely unfunny, and get tube socks...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Dear God, this parachute is a knapsack!

It's kind of way annoying to live with someone who practically eats only microwavable dinners...'cause then I have to eat microwavable dinners...of which I have none. Booooo.

I'm getting a hair cut tomorrow, what should I do with my hair?

Fake violence is way better...

Why did they stop showing Buffy in the afternoon?! Why?! They replaced it with Cops....psh...why?!?!?!

The drive home from school made me way tired. Like to the point of my eyes felt like they were closing for a second. Which is bad. I was about three blocks from home at this point, otherwise I would have pulled over. I don't really understand why that happens. I mean, I got 8 hours of sleep, I wasn't particularly tired when I started there some kind of a leak in my car that makes me all sleepy? I hope not...although I think it has more to do with the actual route itself. It's really straight and smooth and calm and that makes me sleepy.

Mm, now I'm distracted by the TV...later...

Sunday, September 05, 2004

::moves to Canada::

Do you know my theory on why your family always drives you completely insane? It's nature's way of discouraging incest.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

I'm at a loss, my cat says "meow"....

Do you ever how you pump the music way up when you're angry or upset? Okay, maybe you don't, but I do sometimes. I'm not sure why. I tend to listen to stuff with lots of bass when I'm mad. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm upset and I can feel it in my heart and I want something else to bang out a different rhythm for me, one that's happier, or angrier, something to keep me from losing it.

I had to do this in the car today, on the way to my Grandma's house. She showed up at my house, having driven around on the turnpike for who knows how long and for reasons we're not quite sure of. There was something about Newark Airport. Anyway, while my family and I sat around trying to convince her she shouldn't be driving anymore and that she's really losing it and needs some help, she starts attacking us instead. Primarily me. She said how I don't make time for her and basically that I don't care about her, which is such bullshit seeing as I drove to her house last week for no reason other than her friend called me to tell me she was being nuts and gonna get herself killed. I was about to start crying right there and I couldn't look at her and when I tried to talk my voice was all quavery and yucky. I hate when that happens. I was just pissed and sick of her bs and how she's crazy and blames it on us and says that we're all the ones who are crazy and being assholes.

So yeah. That was after feeling sick since last night and like, going crazy over something dumb, and then having to go to my OTHER grandmother's house this morning, which is a whole other story of insanity. I'll tell later. But the day has not gone so well so far. Think it still has time to get better?

I called Laurel. I feel much better now. Although really stupid and embarassed. And I have a really bad headache. Maybe I'll try sleeping. If my cheeks stop burning.

I hate that I'm crazy.

And I hate even more that I have no one to talk to.

Thursday, September 02, 2004's a little bit strange...

Isn't it kinda funny how I always say something about how adorable my cat is right before she pees on something?

Booger shake?

Okay, so what kind of shake is Master Shake? 'Cause when he does his wimpy little spew's green.

That's so so many various ways....


I need a massage. Like now.

Bipolar much?

1. Everyone in my house is making strange noises. Okay, not everyone, my dad is actually quiet..but for him, that's weird, 'cause he usually snores like ...something really loud. But my mom is coughing, and I'm burping (don't you think I'm sexy?), and my cat is peeing on things..which doesn't so much make noise in itself as it just makes us yell at her real loud...

2. Apparently my acting class has two pre-requesite classes....oops...but I have credits from other acting things, so I think the teacher will let me stay. Which would be good. Since I already started reading the really long Greek play I have to do a scene from.

3. I just realized how often I go to It's kind of ridiculous. I go multiple times PER DAY. Once 'cause there's y'know, fascinating celebrity news on there...or not fascinating, but I usually skim it anyway....then I'll be bored and look up some trivia or something on some movie I saw....or I'll think something random like "Oh, who's that guy, on that show, he looks familiar!" and go...and sometimes I just go and I don't even know why the hell I went, I think my mouse just went there automatically....

I totally need a life.

4. I asked my aunt yesterday if I could get my cousin a little pet like a gerbil or something...I don't think she'll let me...even though it's totally an awesome idea....I swear!

I'm feeling rather low and lonely this week and I hate it 'cause I keep annoying people with my mopeyness, therefore I'm rambling on in my blog to attempt to distract myself from being lonely and low 'cause it mostly happens when I'm sitting doing nothing. So. Yes.

Talk to me.

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