Thursday, September 30, 2004

This couple is attacked my a lamp monster....oooooooh....

So the other day I got a bottle of Yoo Hoo at the Bagel Chateau, except when I got home and tried to open it, the stupid cap wouldn't budge. I tried so hard to open that damn thing that I ended up screwing up my thumb! Can you believe it? I think I pulled a muscle in my hand, and it's made my thumb not so helpful ever since. You never realized how much you use your thumb until it's on strike. It's even kinda difficult to simply hold a book in my right hand. I mean, I can do it, but my hand goes all "WTF, cut it out, I'm sleepy" at me. Stupid YooHoo. I should sue. But I won't. 'Cause it's just too yummy.

Oh, also, it's hard to crack my knuckles this way. 'Cause making a fist into my right hand makes it owie. Booooo.

I watched that show "Lost" today. It looks pretty cool. All mysterious and stuff. Either it'll be way good and be my new cult show ('cause there's no new Buffy and they don't even show it in the afternoons anymore :-( ) or it'll suck and get cancelled. And it's got the guy who played Merry in Lord of the Rings, who's actually normal sized and kinda cute. Linda called me a nerd for knowing who he was. And then we had a fight*. In bikinis. Covered in jello.

Oh. Baby.

So not only did my "Rollin' with the Homies" shirt always rock, but it rocks even more now that I've discovered one of the little hampsters running around in the little hampster ball has GOLD TEETH. That's frickin' SWEET.

I'm off to be a geek or something. 'Cause it's fun. Bye, loves.

*I love you, Linda!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the lamp monster???????

Sat Mar 31, 02:15:00 AM  

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