Friday, September 24, 2004

Dude, does anyone remember "Mathnet"?!

1. It's 1:43 AM and I have yet to do my math homework.

2. I have no pants on!!

3. Maybe I shouldn't scream that across the internet...hmm....

4. I'm writing in numbers 'cause it makes everything way easy.

5. It's been decided by numerous people that my English teacher is an idiot, and made a sexist-ish comment in class, which also had nothing to do with the point he was trying to make.

6. I have a rather sick addiction to Sims 2. It's probably a bad sign.

7. My grandmother keeps calling my house asking whether we're going to sleep at her house ('cause why should we sleep in our nice three person sized house when we can go half an hour away and cram into her two bedroom apartment for no reason?). Then she insists that either I, my father, my aunt (who lives in Indiana, btw), or "someone" is there in the house with her. We're pretty sure she gets extra confused when she gets tired and thinks that the voices she hears from her television are us in her house. She also gets really mad now when you have call waiting and are trying to get her off the phone (even though she's the one who interrupted the call). And she continues to be somewhat not nice to me. Which makes me feel icky, because she's my grandma, but at the same time I feel like maybe I'm being unnice to her because I don't know what to do with her anymore but be frustrated and try and tell her she's being nuts and try to insist she needs help (which makes her really mad and makes her start saying really mean things to me like I don't care about people and I'm immature and stuff). Plus today I started laughing when she showed up and was talking with my mom about how me and my dad are always at her house. Because we're not. And a lot of the time when things get nuts I just laugh because it's that or completely lose it. And I'd much rather laugh. So she said I was being "smarty". Which I think is crazy old lady talk for smart ass. But I couldn't help it! Sigh. What's really sad is I'm finding it hard to remember when she wasn't like this. And I know she wasn't always. But I can't remember. And I hate that. Because we used to be really close. And she used to take care of me when I was sick. And babysit me. And once, my friend called me saying she was scared of some guy who kept ringing her doorbell, so Grandma drove me over there and waited for the guy and yelled at him that he was scaring my friend and made me and my friend giggle a lot because she yelled "You scared the hell out of her!" and we were 10, so someone saying "hell" was really funny (he turned out to be a roofer who was looking for her mom). And once, her friend said I wasn't pretty and my grandma yelled at her and told her I was always pretty and after her friend left, my grandma said to me, "What an asshole!" and made me laugh. So this blows. Because she's actually this brilliant person who graduated when she was 16 and was always slightly nuts (but nothing like this!), but also pretty cool. And now she's just nuts and scared and not so nice and won't let us help her.

8. And now it's 2:05 AM. And I'm going to do my math homework and go to sleep. I'm way tired now. Good night.


Blogger Janizzary said...

Do you ever give Grandma a hug and tell her that you love her? Maybe, that's what she needs...

Fri Sep 24, 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remembert Mathnet. Was it that show that was part of square one?

Fri Sep 24, 11:05:00 PM  
Blogger waterwater said...

1. Just don't create a pants-less Sims character who chatters endlessly about ungrateful grandkids and the need for improved 2nd derivative problem solving. Why are women in college anyway? ;) Good night.

Sat Sep 25, 12:30:00 AM  

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