Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Audio Wardrobe Malfunction

Hello lovers...and y'know...non-lovers...whichever,

Guess who's the hottest new radio star in Jersey?...If you guessed're totally wrong. But I am on the radio! Sort of...

I'm one of the newest members of the school radio station. If you can actually call it a radio station. The only place it actually "broadcasts" to is the cafeteria and area by the entrance to the cafeteria. And no one really listens. Seriously. I was on air for a little over an hour yesterday, the entire time was spent trying to get one person to call in for a contest. But hey, it's a lot of fun, and I can pretend people are actually listening. Apparently they do get callers from time to time, although I think half the time it's people calling to yell "You suck!" at you and then laugh themselves silly with their friends while scarfing chicken fingers. But hey, I THRIVE on people like that. I ADORE people like that, if only because they give me a chance to be wittier than someone else.

So yesterday was my first day on the air. It was my first day doing anything radio related, actually. I was supposed to just sit and watch one of the other DJ's do his thing, but he decided that he had other work stuff to do and that me and they other new guy should do his show. Whaaaat? Fortunetely, the controls are pretty simple (although I managed to screw up all the time while trying to use them!) and we got into the groove of it pretty easily....Okay, maybe that's a lie. My fellow new DJ guy, Chris, got into the groove easily. I was more like "What? There's a microphone in front of me? What's that for?....Words? Do I know words? Who? What? Huh?!" That radio stuff is harder than it looks. Sure, I'm great at talking to myself, but not when there's like..other people listening!

Of course, my first day on air couldn't just be burdened by my own self-esteem issues. There was also a little FCC violation involved. ....Oops. See, Chris and I had to pick out songs to play pretty quickly so we could set them up and have them ready before the current song ended. We were running out of time, so I grabbed a Black Eyed Peas CD and shoved it in the player. Unfortunetely, I didn't realize it was an unedited CD. Did you know that the word "shit" is in the song "Hey Mama" about 6 times? 'Cause I didn't! As soon as Rob (the shift manager) realized what song we put on he rushed in to warn us and show us how to use the mute button when the bad words came on. So I tried it out, and the first time I hit it right on time. The second time, however, I wasn't so lucky...I hit it a little too early and so all you could hear was "Hey Mama....(no sound no sound) SHIT (no sound as I freak out and hit the button again) music finally continues"....Hehe....oops.

Anyway, other than that, it was pretty much okay. And the people who run the station seem pretty cool. And hopefully we might get the station streamed onto the internet so people not in the cafeteria could actually listen to it. And then my musical taste will be forced upon you all!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!

K, my brain's all fuzzy...time to stop writing. Bye!


Blogger Janizzary said...

Funny stuff!!! She's a cutie, too!!! I'll be visiting from time to time...

Fri Sep 17, 10:54:00 PM  

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