Sunday, September 19, 2004

Who wants to give me a massage?

K, so all I can say after this weekend is OY.

How very Jewish of me. But I just spent the entire frickin' weekend (four day weekend, no less) with my family. Ahhhh!!!

My aunt and uncle from Indi came in, which was cool, except that they were staying with my crazy grandma. So we had to see all of them every day this weekend, and deal with my grandma telling us the same things over and over and not making any sense whatsoever. Plus we had to have secret meetings about how to convince her she needs some kind of living assistance because her memory's totally shot and she refuses to admit it.

Along with that side of my family, we also had my dad's side coming over for dinner on Friday. So there's crazy grandma, two aunts, two uncles, random friend of my mom's, parents, and me. It wasn't too bad, except that my mom always gets nuts when people come over and really crabby and takes it out on me and my dad. And my dad becomes completely insane over what can go where...he wouldn't let me keep my shoes by the door...who doesn't keep their shoes by the door? Anyway, it was okay, just exhausting and y''s there's always a bit of "OhmylordgetawayfrommeIcannotstandyouanymore" going on. Plus my grandma keeps insulting me. I don't know if it's really insulting, or just disapproving commentary, or just crazy old woman talk, but either way it's not exactly appreciated.

I haven't had a real meal not with my family pretty much all weekend. So I'm way tense. Plus I have two days of school work to catch up on. Yeesh.

Oy, and now I see that I missed a call from Mari. Mari pretty please don't hate me? Seriously, I've been glued to mi familia all weekend. :-\ ::is terrified Mari will kill her::

I need some food. And a massage. And an extra day off.


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