Monday, September 27, 2004

Oh Canada...this title has nothing to do with anything...

Hello Lovers,

So get this...last night at like 2 in the morning (in the shower of all places...yup, I took a shower at 2 AM. 'Cause I'm mad cool like that.) I realized that along with the final version of my scene for Acting class (which kinda sucked balls, by the way...I got a B. Bleh. I want an A!! But our scene was ass, so I guess I should be glad for the B...hopefully better next time, eh?) I had to write out this whole role analysis shiznit. So I was like "Alright, no big deal, I'm not that tired, I can do it, it shouldn't take too long." The damn thing took me till 4:30 in the morning!!! I had to answer a ton of questions on my character, followed by writing up a bibilography (hooray for EasyBib!) and printing out a gazillion papers of research. Poor trees, I wasted so much paper.

So I go to class this morning, kinda tired, but at least with my work done....and the teacher tells us he's giving us till Wednesday to do the role analysis and bibliography!! ::smacks self::

So now I am sleepy. And my shoulders feel funny and tense. And I won't get home until like 7. Oy.

I really wish I didn't have such reservations about sleeping in public, otherwise I'd totally pass out on the comfy looking couch in the cafeteria lobby.


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