Honey, does this make me look fat?
Hello lovelys..or lovelies....hmmm...? Thank you for all my fun comments I got. :-)
So last night I went to bed way way too late and was kinda cranky over something stupid and then had bad dreams and overslept. Not just a little. Like...four hours. I woke up just as my math class (which I actually LIKE. My teacher is way cool and a good teacher and very nice.) was ending. Boo. I'd even done my homework, too. She doesn't even check it, but I do it anyway!
So yeah, that's stinky. And I told my mom I didn't feel good and that's why I was home all day and not at class. I could have just told her I slept through my alarm, but...she's been known to be iffy on that kinda thing. She might just go "Oops." or she might freak. So anyway, I'm actually not feeling so hot for real. I think I have a little cold. Hrmm. So I did sleep for most of the day.
The only problem here is that it's officially Yom Kippur. So I'm supposed to be fasting. Except I slept through dinner with my parents and temple tonight, so I had to eat at like 9. Which I wasn't supposed to do. And I've been insanely thirsty (I think having to do with the cold) and have been drinking water, which I'm also not supposed to do. Yargh. Not a good start. And now I have some guilt goin' on.
Yeah, so I was talking to Linda and we both LOVE that song on the Boost mobile commercials and want it to be a real song. My favorite part is Ludicris, I think. But yeah, they should make it a real song. Because it rocks my world. And then I'd play it on the radio. Whee!
*By the way, I need a new title for my blog. Suggestions anyone?
*And no, Philippe, I'm not calling it "Read my blog and I'll get all nekked for you"
*Also, I just realized I do not own a little black dress. This must be remedied. Mm, if only I had the money to remedy it with ;-).
neither do i!!! so not okay
and also those were both me. idk why it put me as anonymous.
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