Wednesday, October 08, 2003


I'm watching West Wing for like the third time today. It's so sad.

I have to write a paper for Friday. I have to do laundry 'cause I'm pretty sure I no longer have clean underwear. My room is a disaster due to the normal clutter we already have, plus the boxes and bags of clothes and sports equipment brought by my roommate last weekend.

I interrupt here to say that CJ on a West Wing ad just said "Crazy Go Nuts" and I automatically thought of the CGNU. Yeah. Uh huh. Time to change to Family Guy. I forgot this was on.

I also need a shower. Because I'm sweaty. But I'm also tired. I'd love to go to sleep naked at this point ::patiently waits for the remarks from Matt, Philippe, Mike if he's reading this, and maybe Miles if he isn't drunk somewhere:: but unfortunetely, I have a roommate, therefore I can't....::again waits for remarks on lesbianism and naked sleeping habits::...Sorry.

There are at least 11 ladybugs in my room at the moment. It's strange. Because I don't want to kill them because they're good luck. But they're kind of annoying me.

And now I'm going to sleep. Because I'm tired. Good night.


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