Monday, September 29, 2003

I had a dream I was disarming a bomb with the chicks from She Spies. And then I was watching a really weird episode of Charmed and they were in a box and there was...interesting things...oh and then somebody got killed somewhere else and wrote on a door how they loved their mom or something...

I fell asleep watching TV, in case you hadn't guessed yet. Heh.

So I went home this weekend! That was so wonderful. I got to sleep in my own bed and it was so comfy and I got to see my mom and dad and they are so nice to me and my mom even tucked me in to bed (hehehe, I'm 4, I swear, but I like getting tucked in sometimes it makes me feel safe and loved and stuff) and my kitty was so cute and purred and slept by my feet and my cousin gave me hugs and I saw all the pretty things at home that I missed and I saw my friends.

And I saw Matt. And that was truly the most wonderful thing ever. Completely and utterly amazing. Can't even describe it. Well I could, but you might get bored.

And I saw nearly the whole gang, minus Miles. Miles, you're a whore. We saw Underworld and sang Happy Birthday to Matt and just did lots of fun things.

Sigh, I miss everyone.

I got back and was more homesick than I was before. Maybe because I had such a wonderful weekend. That's probably it. And now I am back here and I don't feel good 'cause planes always end up giving me colds (recirculated air and such) and now I want to go back home and sleep in my old bed and have fun and be with people I love again.

Oh well. Time for class.



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