Monday, September 01, 2003


So I gave some allusive response and said "I've had one" which doesn't necessarily mean I have one now, but doesn't completely rule it out, and I told her "No, you can't look for it." and that was that. Tee hee hee. Eh, if she finds it, she finds it. Whatever.

Apparently if you don't charge your palm pilot for a really long time, it erases everything the next time you try to charge it. Including times of appointments that you have the next day that you can't Tres sucky.

I'm hungry. Therefore this is short. I miss people. :-( But Linda called me! And that makes me very happy...yay for Linda calling me...PS to Philippe and Linda (who I still have the urge to call Lin at times, like right now, but am still scared to call Lin at any time)(or Lyn...whatever) my cousin's cousin who is not my cousin (in other words, my father's sister's husband's nephew...get it...sort of?) is going to Rutgers and does engineering and you should try and find him and say hi or something. He's nice...quiet, but nice. Although I barely know him so maybe he's not actually that quiet once you get to know him...but yeah, get in touch with me for his name and stuff. Although I don't know where he lives or anything. But at least you'll have his name.

Time for food. Adios people.

Also: Since I couldn't comment on Matt's blog, I'll comment here, 'cause I feel like it. To Matt: I'd be all over you and your glee club self if I could, sweetie. Tell me some time when you're singing and maybe I can come? I'd love to see you sing. You have to sing something for me over the phone. It's an order.

Okay, time to go now. Bye.


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