Monday, September 01, 2003

So my boyfriend got insanely drunk last night...that was interesting. It's weird when you know someone you love is out somewhere being drunk and you're not there so you don't actually know what's going on. I don't mean that in any suspicious way, which it might sound like. I mean that in the way that I was sitting here, talking to people, wondering "Well...exactly how drunk is he? Is he bumping into walls? Is he running around half naked and screaming?" 'Cause for some reason that one's really easy for me to imagine.

But he was okay, and called me, and said nice funny drunk boy things. Although I prefer sober Matt to drunk Matt any day of the week.

I bought lots of college stuff. I'm leaving Wednesday. That's just crazy. I'm leaving just so I can look forward to coming back. Then I can see Matt again. And most of my friends. I'm actually looking forward to Rosh Hashanah this year, and I usually dread it.

I remember it last year...I spent most of it at home. I tried to make my hair wavy and pretty and it turned into a giant mess. And then we had brunch with my family the next day and it was the first time I saw my grandfather pretty out of it.

The year went by so quickly.

And I'm gonna miss a lot of stuff at home now, too. Like Sukkot. Which no one but the Jewish people really know about, but we build the cool thing in my backyard and I get to decorate it. I wonder if they'll even do that this year. They probably will. I hope they will.

And I'm gonna miss CHS, too. I'm gonna miss the first day of school and seeing everyone again and seeing who dyed their hair and who's really tan and what class I just know I'm going to hate this year. And the chorus room. I practically lived in the chorus room for four years of my life. Three different teachers and there was still always that one poster still hanging in the office that no one really seemed to notice till it had gone through three teachers. At least. And home room. And morning announcements. And Studio Soap which I grew to love. And lunch with the crappy french fries and scary chicken fingers and always getting a yoo-hoo and the lady in the lunch line who would always grab for it when she saw me coming. She was so nice. And the C wing with it's weird smells. And the cops who would never let you stand across the street. And how they can never get the heat to work until February, and even then it's only in two wings. And then nametags...well...I won't miss those too much. And getting green slips from the troll who always thought you were forging someone's signature. And the bathroom's with no doors and holes in the floor. And the display case in the front hall that never ever change the entire time I was there....

Yeah...I'm gonna miss it all...

For all the times I bitched about it...I think I really did love high school...I met my best friends there...I met Matt there...I met great teachers...Got my first real role in a play there....lost friends there, made a lot more....failed crushes...lost crushes...ate a lot of really bad cafeteria food....went too more geeky chorus and orch concerts than most people go to in their lives....

Pretty much..I became me there.

So, I guess this is kind of my goodbye to high school. A little late, but better late than never, right?

Bye CHS. I'll miss you.

Thanks for everything.


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