Sunday, August 24, 2003

Hey, look, I"m actually going to write something today.

Yesterday was Mike's birthday and much fun was had. Let me tell you just how much I love JPLee's. I love JPLee's A LOT. They scrub the chairs! How can you not like a resturant that ensure your ass's hygenic safety by scrubbing their chairs? Yes, I did just say "hygenic safety".
Anyway, after JPLee's (which I'm very sorry Mari was not able to attend for some silly reason of confusion) we ended up at 7-11. Miles (accidentily) stole a slurpee (ever heard of the Darwin awards?) and I gave Mike money for a Penthouse. Penthouse is a very interesting thing.

Let me explain:
To a girl, porn is usually this very foreign and unusual thing. So when we get the oppurtunity to actually flip through a porno we find it fascinating. Lemme tell you, Penthouse is NASTY. There was a girl who looked like she was sticking something like a flashlight up her vagina. Then there was the cum shot that looked like paste on a leather glove. And the story about the girl and her female psychologist...the girl had a foot fetish...the psychologist didn't mind...there was what I can only describe as..well..toeing. And did I mention the ads? Did you know that there are glass dildos? Glass?! I don't truly understand why they're adverstising dildos in a men's magazine...although the women in the add were sucking on them, not using them in the..usual way..

So anyway, I've been sitting on my couch playing gin on yahoo and watching re-runs of The West Wing since I woke up. How sad is that? At some point I'm supposed to go buy a phone with my mother. I don't really feel like it. I'm kinda blah currently. I'm waiting to get my second wind or whatever you want to call it. I feel kind of strange at social outing type things now. I got really used to Matt being there and having someone to rest my head on or giggle with secretely. Plus with both Matt and Linda gone it feels like a big hole in our group. Although even when Linda gets back it'll still feel like a hole to me. There's weird things that make me sad or lonely. Like driving someplace by myself. I'm not really used to that anymore. Or going home a lot earlier than usual. Or going to bed before 3 in the morning 'cause I don't have anyone to hang out with or talk to. I mean, I've got my friends and I love them..but there's somethings that friends can't be. And that would be my boyfriend. And yes, I can still talk to Matt late at night and stay up late and all that...but I can't get a hug whenever I feel like it...and watching TV all by myself isn't nearly as much fun as watching it with someone else....and whenever the clock is at an 11 I have no one to say it to and...yeah...

So I'm back to feeling like I'm floating again...sort of...33 days until I get to see Matt again...



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