Thursday, September 25, 2003

We can do crazy new things with blogger

So anyway, I had to go take a quiz in my Latin teacher's office the other day. I think my Latin teacher may have a very sad life. She's kind of quiet and mousey and has glasses and wears clothes that are horribly out of fashion, but if she'd step it up on the personal style she'd probably be very pretty. So I was in my Latin teacher's office and she has nothing on here walls. A calendar, and that was about it. No pictures, no funny little cartoons. Nothing. On one of her shelves was the a little stuffed dog from Dilbert, but that was about it. It made me feel very sad for her. She just sat at her little desk and started working and when someone came in to give her something she simply took it and that was that. No little conversation. No nothing. I feel bad for her. I just imagine her in a little beat up car going home and reading and maybe having a dog and then just going to sleep early. Poor Latin teacher.

And didn't we learn to put two spaces before a new sentence in elementary school? Someone here never learned that. Weird.

Goin' home on Friday...nervous about the plane...but really want to go home. I miss everyone.

Anyway...I'm sleepy and have class at ten and a test on Friday (Aaaahhh!!!) so I should go shower and sleep...or maybe just sleep...I'm kinda lazy today....



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