Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Blargh. First day of classes. I'm so tired.

First of all, let me say this. Last year when the Columbian came out with their list of who's going to what college, Mr. Rodriguez was looking at a copy during class one day and sitting kind of near me. He looked at the list and then said to me in a surprised tone, "Ohio? It's very...flat there."

Yeah, well guess what, Mr. Rod! Nope! Not so flat! Not this part, at least! It's got more hills than fucking Maplewood, and that's completely made up of hills! I hate it! I go out of my way to get to one place because I can walk on a catwalk there and it's nice and flat and I don't have to go up any hills. Grr. I hate the stupid hills here. I walk up one first thing in the morning, then walk back up it again later in the day for another class. It truly sucks.

Plus, the actual town part of town where a lot of food and a CVS and the movie theater and book stores and stuff like that is is all the way across the campus. And up a bunch of hills. Boooo. I think I'll try and go there as little as possible, at least until I get more used to these hills. My legs are killing me.

At one of my classes today we had to do this ice breaker where the woman leading the class (the student co-teacher or whatever...it's a bullshit class so we have a student co-teacher, not a ta...the RD is supposed to teach the class, but he wrote down the wrong time on his schedule and never showed) gave us a big bag of M&M's to pass around and said, "Okay, pretend this is the last time you're going to ever get M&M's, so take some now." I took more than I meant to, but didn't feel like putting it back since other people had taken from the bag and I had already touched them. So we had our M&M's out and the teacher like person says, "Okay, for every M&M you have you have to say one fact about yourself." I promptly slid half of my M&M's into my hand and then dropped them into my travel mug full of hot chocolate. Tee hee hee. Anyway, my facts included:

I took too many M&M's.
I have a cat who once started a fire.
My math teacher was arrested at the end of my senior year for marijuana and cocaine possession.
This is probably the reason I got all A's.

I also mentioned Homestarrunner.com, and that got some responses.

In other news, a lot of people in Ohio say "pop" instead of "soda". Very strange. Or they just say "coke" to mean soda. One girl told me she hates that 'cause she'll go and want some coke and say "Can I have a coke?" and they'll say, "What kind?". Silly Ohio people. Hehe, if they ever read this they'll all hate me. Oh well, I mean no offense Ohio people. Although I must tell you, your bagels suck ass. Or at least the ones at Shivley do. I'll have to try the ones in town to give you a real opinion. Bagels are not meant to taste like rolls. I must teach you all this.

Anyway, I miss my Maplewood. There's a girl here who's ex boyfriend is going to Seton Hall and I was trying to tell her some stuff about it, even though I don't know much. I told her I didn't really think it was a big party school or anything (I mean, you barely ever hear anything about any parties there or anything like that), and it's a lot of locals, really. The place to go for parties and skanky hos is Rutgers (hehe, not you, Linda...okay, maybe just a little...I'm just kidding! I love you, smelly!!!).

And I miss all you guys. And I miss having a car 'cause I hate walking everywhere. Boo.

Time for bed, I think. Good night everyone. Love you all.


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