Monday, November 29, 2004

We'll douche?!

Me: so i was listening to the radio today
Me: and there was an ad for channel 5 reality shows
Me: and at the end the slightly odd voiced chick says "watch, we'll dish"
Me: and i swear for two minutes i thought she said "watch, we'll doushe"
Me: douche?
*JFearstheMan: douche
Me: i don't know how to spell it
JFearstheMan: heh
Me: but anyway, the point is, i was imagining woman sitting around, watching tv in guacamole masks with towels on their heads...douching....
Me: people really should learn to ennunciate
JFearstheMan: especially on the radio
Me: indeed
Me: :-)
Me: and how do you know how to spell douche and i don't?
JFearstheMan: it's french?
Me: for "vagina washing thingy"?
JFearstheMan: for wash**
Me: hehehe
JFearstheMan: close, though =P
Me: i like my definition better

*Screen names may be changed by Robin because certain people fear the spambots finding his screen name

**Correction: "douche" actually means "shower" in French NOT "wash"


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