Thursday, June 24, 2004

Dear World and all the people in it....

I think one of my favorite things in the world is the sudden revelation. When things seem crazy and you can't really understand what's going on and it's making you sad and feel gloomy.

And then suddenly you're sitting there watching, of all things, Newlyweds, and all of a sudden something snaps into place in your head and you understand. You know what's going on and why and that it's not all your fault and that it's not as huge as you think and that it doesn't mean everything's falling apart, but just that things are moving in a way you hadn't seen coming, but that's not necessarily a negative at all. And things stop spinning a bit and you feel a little more like you can just relax and enjoy the world for what it is.

And even though I might not feel this revelation buzz in the morning, for now, it has made my life a bit calmer. And that is very very good thing.


Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

Wow! You get buzzed in the morning?!?! Party girl in Jersey everyone!

Thu Jun 24, 12:31:00 PM  

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