Monday, June 14, 2004

Lug wrench?

I really hate the new Jaguar commercials. You know, the ones with the guy singing "I'm in looove with my caaaar". That's pretty sad, man. I mean, I know Jaguar's are pretty nice and all. But to be in love with one? Does he mean he "loves" it, like you love your favorite pair of shoes or apple jacks, or that he's "in love" with it, like the love between a man and a woman (or a man and a man, woman and a woman, man and a fish, astronaut and a lug wrench, whichever euphamism you prefer)? Because if he's "in love" with it...well...I just don't get it...I mean, c'mon man, a Jaguar can't please you like a woman (or man or fish or lug wrench, you get my point) could. And if it does, well...I think you're using your gas tank wrong.


Blogger David said...

The man goes inside the car. The car obeys the man. The car disobeys the man if he doesn't buy it stuff. The man abandons the car when it gets old and ugly.

Mon Jun 14, 09:44:00 AM  
Blogger David said...

The man goes inside the car. The car obeys the man. The car disobeys the man if he doesn't buy it stuff. The man abandons the car when it gets old and ugly.

Mon Jun 14, 09:44:00 AM  

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