Thursday, June 03, 2004


I don't like it when people in positions of authority call me up and leave cryptic messages like, "Call me back when you get the chance."...okay, so that's not really that cryptic, but it is to me! My boss left that message on my cell phone. Why? Why?! Bosses only leave messages not saying what they're calling about when it's something bad! Not good. Not good not good not good.

I really hope I'm not getting fired or something. I mean, that'd be silly. 'Cause why would she fire me on the phone when I was there this morning and will be there tomorrow? Maybe she wants me to work more hours or something? I'm pretty sure my clothes are okay now...and people seem to like me! I had a pleasant conversation with a very nice doctor about papercuts...So...yeah, over analyzing, anyway.

Going to see Harry Potter tomorrow! Yes! So exciting! Harry Potter's like the only movie I'll spend the extra 2.50 to buy tickets to in advance. When did I become so cheap? Hmm....and don't you dare make a Jew joke. I will attack you. I am cheap, but not so cheap that I won't spend 50 bucks on new bras that I kinda sorta thought would be good to have but didn't REALLY need. And mostly I am becoming cheaper because I really don't like depending on my parents for stuff.

I hate having pimples that you look at in the mirror and you feel like they're eating your face. Boo.


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