Friday, May 28, 2004

(An Entry of Parentheses)

In which Robin bitches about her Grandmother Dearest...

Gah. Apparently I have to go to my Grandma's tomorrow. Really really don't want to. We're supposed to go way earlier than I previously thought (we're supposed to be going for dinner) so that we can go swimming (which I now realize I was told about but chose to forget it rather soon after hearing this one ear, out the other, you know, you know...). Except I don't have a bathing suit except a bikini I got last year (which I don't know the location of) which I completely WON'T wear in front of my GRANDMOTHER for pity's sake. 'Cause knowing my Grandma, she'll look at me and make some comment about my figure that will be not only embarassing, but also probably cause me years of self doubt (if you want an example just ask me to tell you the Bat Mitzvah story). So no swimming for Robin. Oh well, didn't really want to anyway. Her pool is always fool of everyone and their mother's grandkids. No thanks. I'll sit in the sun and read and maybe listen to some music and that should be okay (with proper sun screen application of course, I've learned my lesson, pale girls don't least not naturally, we don't...speaking of which, must remember to apply self tanner so as not to have a narsty glare off my skin tomorrow..oh what a contradiction I am).

At some point my grandmother is going to bitch at me about how I don't call her or e-mail her. But see, here's what she does. She calls my house and talks to my dad, but instead of just asking to talk to me she tells my dad to tell me to call or e-mail her, claiming that she doesn't want to bother me or something! What?! Why?! How is this at all logical?! It's less of a bother to just ask to talk to me when you're already on the phone than to try and make me remember to call and/or e-mail you, and then whine about it later when I don't remember! I am a busy girl, I don't spend all that much time thinking about when I have to call my grandma. Okay, I do sometimes, but that's the other grandma, who's insane enough for THREE grandmas! I don't need this from both of them! So I will simply have to ignore the guilt trippin' I'm going to receive and tell her that she is free to ask to speak to me when she calls the house but I am very busy and don't ever really remember to e-mail anyone. Which is pretty true.

Oh yes. Also, there will be a problem with me not swimming tomorrow. Because anytime I go there without a swim suit or anytime I don't want to swim my Grandma pouts (literally!) and gets a very weepy voice and goes, "Aren't you ever going to swim at our pool again?" and if I don't have a swim suit she seriously TRIES TO GET ME TO BORROW ONE FROM HER. Ew! Grandma bathing suit! Grandma bathing suit! Abso-friggin-lutely NOT. Gross gross gross gross gross. Bathing suits are just something you don't share. It's like sharing underwear. Okay, maybe I can understand it once in awhile, but only if it's from someone around your own age and similar body type and who you are very good friends with. But not your Grandma! 'Cause...ew!!! Grandma bathing suit!

Enough of that. I bitch too much. Anyway, I got PAID today! Mmm....hard earned lovely CASH. In paycheck form. With quite a bit taken out for taxes. But still. MONEY. And I got quite a nice chunk for my lovely time of filing. I'm starting to like my job a lot more, or at least the people at it. Especially the one receptionist lady who I think will be my mentor while working there as she constantly jokes about threatening violence on some of the more obnoxious patients and who I can go over to with a chart of someone with a funny name and she will laugh at it and not tell me to go do something boring and inane. Also, yesterday while my boss was on the phone with someone who was driving her insane, I had to ask her a question. She kept making faces at me about the woman on the phone, so finally I took a post-it and drew a picture of my boss whacking the annoying woman with a big hammer (in stick figure form, of course) and stuck it on the shelf above her desk. And it's still there! How awesome! Haha!

Alright, I've written too much. But I like writing. Whee! K, bye for now, dearies. Time to NOT be able to watch Adult Swim. Boo.

P.S. I'm queen of run-on sentences today. Anyway.


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