Monday, June 07, 2004

Sunny day, sweepin' the clouds away...

What the ef, man?! (Yes, I did just say ef...I'm in a weird mood today...I said "sup?" at one point...weirdness) Why is my picture not working?! Boooo....

Also, yesterday I got this great nail buffer thingy at Drug Fair that not only makes my nails really shiny and pretty, but is really fun to play with when I'm fidgety. Except I lost it in LESS THAN A DAY! Stupid me. I left it on top of my quilt on my bed, then forgot it was there and moved the quilt around and it's not fallen into the disaster that is the floor in my room. Boo again. Yeah. I really liked that thing. Bah humbug.

Also, I randomly feel like taking a Yoga class. Except I don't know where I'd take it, and it'd be hard with my work schedule. Speaking of work, oh it was so crazy today! Ahh! I came into work today and it looked like someone had decided to get all the charts I need to get ready for the day out and organized for me, so I was like "Awesome, people rock!". Until I realized that they had pulled them out in some weird order and they were all disorganized and in places we couldn't find them and I couldn't tell how many things needed to be done. I know it was someone trying to be nice, probably (I think it might actually have been the woman who I was saying was bitchy and ucky...she's actually been much better lately and kinda nice to me...lets see if it lasts :-) ), but it kinda drove me up a wall 'cause I had to reorganize everything and find everything. Plus there was a ton of other stuff to do, so I was like "Ahh! What's going on?!" and then my boss was also like "Wtf? Why isn't this done already?" and it ended with me sort of wandering in a circle for a minute lost in confusion, followed by me just laughing at everything that continued to get fucked up during the day simply because I was past fed up and just thought it was all very funny.

Despite the random frustration, though, I was in a really great mood today. In the morning I was really tired, then thought of a really happy thought and it sort of woke me up and I kept thinking of stuff that makes me smile and it put me in a great mood. I even fought boredom and lack of being able to listen to music by simply singing a song I liked really quietly while looking for charts. I'm such a nerd. But it worked. Singing is always a pretty good mood stabilizer for me.

Jon is home from Israel! Yay, Jon! Hooray for decent pizza and bagels! Whoo!


Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

See, you sing yourself outta boredom. I play with Animal Crackers.

Tue Jun 08, 09:36:00 PM  

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