Sunday, June 06, 2004

"The spiders...they want me to tap dance!!"

Mm, I spent all day in bed today. Lazy lazy. But mostly because after going to see Harry Potter I got home, jumped into bed, and instantly couldn't sleep all night because of a narsty stomach ache. My mom stayed up with me for awhile and we watched some really cheesy tv show on public television that's supposed to help people learn English.

Harry Potter! Oh man, it was SO good. Such a huge relief from the first two. This one was more...I dunno how to explain a real movie! Right from the first minute you could tell this movie was different and it was already tons more interesting and amusing from any standpoint you could think of, visually, emotionally, humor-wise, anything. The director of this movie seemed like he actually put some of his own thoughts and ideas into this movie, instead of just letting the books dictate everything. I realized I really hate when movies are exactly like the books they're based on. I know some people get mad when things aren't exactly the same, but I find it really boring when I know every single little thing that's going to happen. And it makes it tons worse for when they leave stuff out because it becomes so much more obvious. I like to see books and the movies that are based on them kind of as two seperate works that can both be appreciated. Anyway, this director did an awesome job, I really give him most of the credit for how awesome it was. Plus the kids really improved in their acting. They really seemed more like actual characters and people, which I think is from doing a lot of character background and acting excercises and that type of thing, as opposed to the way they used to do things. Before they were more like charicatures of the characters from the book, really only acting out the characteristics that really stood out (like Hermione being smart and uptight and Ron being the goofy funny one). Again, I give the director half the credit on this, since it seems like he spent a lot of time trying to get the kids really into their characters. And I really like the new Dumbledore. He's much more like the Dumbledore I always imagined. No offense to Richard Harris (may he rest in peace) but he really didn't seem to get Dumbledore's eccentric-light-hearted-old-manness across at all. This new guy really is into it a lot more. I loved the random little things they added, like using the whomping willow to show the passage of time (I seriously loved that! IM me and let me know if you caught the part where I think they might have been making fun of the first movies...I might have been the only one who caught it, I dunno...) and using music in the scene with the Boggart! That was fantastic! 'Cause you're sitting there kinda expecting this to be a very tense kinda scary scene and then Lupin turns on the record player and it turns into this really upbeat, fun scene simply from the music! Okay, I'm pretty sure I'm done talking about this. Spent way too much time talking about Harry Potter, haha. Except that the kid who plays Harry is kinda turning out to be kinda cute, which believe me, creeps me out to say 'cause he's like...what..14? Ew. So young!

Now I think it's time for sleeping. Or reading. Or not writing in my blog anymore. Night night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No nO, harry potter is not cute. he looks like sharon osbourne would look like if she was a man. hehe

Tue Jun 08, 06:55:00 AM  

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