Friday, June 18, 2004

Can't think of somethin'....

Isn't it weird how sometimes when you have a specific emotion you can actually feel it in your body. The way I've been feeling lately has been starting right in the bottom center of my ribs. It's a kind of sadness, but it's got this weird warmth to it. I dunno, could just be heartburn. But I don't think so. Anyway, the feeling kind of radiates up my chest and spreads through my shoulders. And sometimes it creeps up the back of my neck and up to the top of my head. It's weird trying to figure out where you can physically feel an emotion. Try it. It's easier to do than you think.

Anyway, I don't like this yucky feeling I've been having lately. It sort of reminds me of how I felt when I was out in Ohio. Lonely, I guess. Unimportant maybe? That sorta sounds right. Blech. I don't really understand this feeling. There just isn't a word for it, I think. I just know I really don't like it and I want to make it go away. It's hard, though. I feel like I need to talk about it with people, but that's not always the easiest thing. 'Cause y'know, I'm crazy, so a lot of the time I might come off as just being spazzy and nuts and not actually making sense and just taking things way too seriously. Plus people have their own stuff going on, which I know nothing about. Also part of the weirdness, I guess. I'm used to people talking to me about stuff and I guess that hasn't really been happening so much lately. Hasn't happened so much in awhile. And with no one talking to me about much and me wanting to talk to people so much, I guess it makes me feel extra whiney and crazy. And then I write stuff like this on my blog. Hmm. So now I'll just watch "Blow Out" on Bravo. 'Cause I'm a Bravo whore. Or loser. Whatever.


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