Thursday, May 01, 2003

I'm so so tired. And I never feel like updating 'cause I never feel like the stuff I write is amusing in any way what so ever.

So that kinda sucks. But anyway...

Today was our chorus trip to Kean college that I didn't even really know about until yesterday. This is how my day at Kean went:

We got to Kean and went inside to watch some other choirs perform.
I fell asleep for the first three of these choirs. See, I went to sleep at about midnight last night, pretty early for me. Except for some reason I was even more tired than usual when I woke up. So we went and sat down in the surprisingly comfortable seats and I just slumped down in my chair and was out cold. I would wake up for the beginning and ends of songs, just in time to clap or see if what they were singing was worth staying awake for, and then I was fast asleep again.

I did stay awake to watch another choir sing "Mon Cour" or however it's spelled. They didn't really do a very good job. It was eh. And then there was this choir from Rutgers Prep that everyone made a big deal about and they weren't all that fantastic, either.

Then there was lunch where...we ate lunch. Yay lunch. ::throws streamers::

After lunch it guessed it..more choirs!! Except this time I stayed awake. There was one girls chorus who sang some weird ass songs. One was talking about dancing on someone's grave. Interesting.

My favorite, though, was the Christian school chorale. First, all the girls were wearing these hideous black dresses that were down to their ankles and the sleeves covered their entire arm. I think they were purposely made to not fit any of the girls because there was NOT ONE SINGLE GIRL who looked decent in them. They all seemed to puff out at some weird angle on some girls or not puff out at all on other girls where they should have.

Also, it was quite obvious about what kind of people some of these girls were. All the girls wore the ugly black dresses and maybe some fake pearls or something and nothing more accesory wise, except for one girl with a bright red flower in her hair and some black thing around her neck that reminded me of that story about the girl who's head was tied on with a ribbon. Anyway, we decided that she was the school slut. There was a girl on the end of the front row with frizzy blonde hair who you could tell was the goth/punk/atheist of the school because she just stood there half glaring at the director, half looking like she wanted to die. She barely sang any of the words. I decided it was because she hated christian school and secretely wanted to dye her hair blue and get a nose ring but couldn't because of her religious parents and their crazy morals. There was also an overweight girl who had put on some weird shade of lipstick that made it look like her lips were bleeding. I didn't decide anything about her social status, just that she was kinda weird in the make up sense.

But the best was the director. He was like the male version of the obnoxious teacher from Donnie Darko. I can't remember her name, but the one who wears the shirt that says, "God is awesome!". This guy came on stage wearing a tux with tales. He made them sing these freaky songs. The first one started with them yelling "Silence!" and I thought it was a really scary warm up or they were telling us to shut up. But it was part of the song. It was so strange. I couldn't concentrate on anything else in the song 'cause it was weird and kinda ugly sounding. But that's besides the point. This guy had every song they sing be about Jesus. They sang this Bach song about Jesus being born and the guy said something like "This is Bach celebrating this historic event....::awkward pause:: of the birth of Jesus" or something weird like that. So I decided that this guy was actually a Jesus freak (haha, I almost wrote Uncle Jesse...weird) who went to Christian rock concerts on the weekends and held his arms up in the air with his eyes closed and tears running down his face screaming "Puh-RAISE JAY-zus!"

They were interesting.

We finally sang at around 2:30 and clearly kicked everyone we had heards asses. The woman judge who I thought looked like Ms. Mastellone from behind came up and just changed the way we sang the Bach that we got the week before vacation and told us we were singing one note wrong. Then we sight read some song about a crazy woman who puts kettles on her head. Interesting.

We left and I went shopping and got a pretty dress for Mari's party and shoes for her party and shoes for prom and I am in love with both pairs of shoes.

I haven't seen Matt all day. That does not make for a happy Robin.

Also, sleepiness does not make for a happy Robin either.

Time to go, this entry's WAAAAYYY too long already without unnecessary rambling. Bye bye.

P.S. FNL was cool, but I saw way more of Miles than I ever really wanted to. Oh, and they should have picked me to marry the German guys 'cause I had a great line for "How was dinner with the parents?". Oh well, their loss. I didn't actually raise my hand anyway.


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