Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Oh how I wish I had something prolific to write in my blog...


Oh how I wish my blog worked EVER

I think I should change my template.

It's passover and I have a sedar soon. You know, that Jewish thing with the matzah and the drunk people.

But dad's leading the sedar which my grandfather used to do so I got home and was sitting finishing my ice creamy drink and got all excited 'cause my grandparents were coming and I'd get to see my grandfather and that was good 'cause I hadn't seen him in awhile...
but then literally half a second later or so I remembered why I hadn't seen him in awhile. So today is kinda sad. That's probably why I've been slightly bummed out for half of the day today, it's just been in the back of my mind and I didn't really think about till I got home.

Yeah, I write too much about morbid things. Anyway, Laurel is coming to the sedar tonight which will be cool and there's no WAY I'm saying the four questions as I'm not only not the youngest, but I'm not even legally a minor anymore. So HA.


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