Thursday, April 10, 2003

Alright, post number two of the night. Buncha different weird stuff happened to me today, so I'll go in order of funniness/weirdness. The top is funniest. This one's in the middle.

Matt came over for dinner tonight. That was kinda funny 'cause I said this to my parents (which I had said to Matt earlier):

Re Judaism:
"You know what's kinda funny about being Jewish? We base our religion on some guy who heard voices and then chopped off part of his penis." - Me

I said this to my parents and they started cracking up and Matt was sitting there looking like he was thinking "Did she just say 'penis' to her parents?!?!?!" which was highly amusing...but anyway, that's not the story, just something I remembered....

So I was driving Matt home a little after eight and there's a line of stopped cars in front of us right in front of us. I stop directly behind the car in front of me, but I'm blocking a little of the side street above it, which I didn't really do on purpose, I just didn't stop in enough time to leave room. So anyway, I'm sitting there and this woman drives down the side street and then starts trying to edge in front of my car. Whatever. But then she starts doing it more and she's getting very close to the front of my car, so I honk at her. At which point, I look at her and she starts yelling at me through her window. Her window was open a bit, but mine was closed so basically I looked at her, saw her pointing and yelling at me, and just turned my head in the other direction to ignore her. I did that for about a minute then asked Matt if she was still yelling...she was. Nut case. It's not that big a deal. And I had the right of way anyway, even if it would have been more polite to let you in. Maybe I would have if you didn't try to RUN INTO MY FUCKING CAR YOU NUT JOB. So she continues yelling and finally the light turns green. The person in front of me drives away, and I turn to the woman, smile, and wave her forward. I figure it's better to have a moron in front of you than behind you. She just starts yelling again and waves me forward instead. So I shrug and drive away. Crazy Jersey drivers who act like they're from New York.

Is it wrong that a part of me kind of wishes I had let her hit my car just for the chance to call the cops on her?


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