Thursday, April 10, 2003

Ah, what a day, what a day.

Let's begin with my library escapades:

So at school there's this ridiculous rule that you must get this special pass from the library if you want to go to the library during your study period. Okay, I guess it sorta makes sense as our library isn't that big and without a pass people would probably cut and go to the library a lot. But part of the rule is that you must get this pass ahead of time. So this morning I wanted to go to the library during my 3rd period study. I was too late to go before school, so instead I went during passing time between 1st and 2nd. After waiting a little while, I ended up being the third person in line for a pass. The girl at the front of the line doesn't have her ID and the librarian tells her she can't get a pass without her ID and asks her to move. So this girl starts getting an attitude and going "You know who I am, it's in my purse, blah blah blah I'd rather start a fight every other period than just wear the stupid thing blah blah blah". Finally she gets her ID out and gets a pass. The librarian moves to the next person and as she's signing the pass out the bell rings. The girl finishes signing and I ask for my pass. The response? "Sorry, the bell rang, I can't give you a pass anymore, you have to go to class."


So I leave muttering a few choice words and go to chorus.

Singing, singing, singing, omg I hate this class it's so boring it's draining the life out of me and I can't even hit half of these notes, more singing. The bell rings and it's attendance period. After some slight confusion I get Imhoff to write me a pass to the library so I can get a pass for third period instead of risking being too far behind on the line again and getting screwed over during passing time. The fact that I needed a pass to go get a pass really confused him. He finally just said, "Here, fill it out, do whatever you want." I think he hates me. Boo. So anyway, I go back to the library and have the following conversation with one of the librarians:

Robin: Hi, can I get a pass for third period.
Librarian: (looks confused) This is attendance period, you should be coming during passing time.
Robin: I have a pass from my teacher. Look.
Librarian: You got a pass from your teacher? But you're really not supposed to come now, you're supposed to come during passing time.
Robin: Yeah, I came before during passing time and the bell rang and I couldn't get a pass, so my teacher let me come now.
Librarian: You must want to be in the library really badly.
Robin: Ha, you should try staying in study that long.
Librarian: Oh, I see, you don't really have anything to do, you just want to get out of study.
Robin: No, I have stuff to do (note: not like I was actually going to do it), I just can't concentrate in study, it's too loud.
Librarian:....(I forget, something dumb and rude sounding)

But I got my pass. About damn time.

Why do the librarians try so damn hard to keep you OUT of the library? Shouldn't they be encouraging you to go there? I told my grandmother about these librarians (she used to be a school librarian) and she thought it was really weird. She said kids used to come and hang out in the library and talk to her when she was a librarian, and she didn't mind at all. She actually liked it. Why do I really have to come during passing time if I have permission from my teacher to be out of class? I'm not cutting and I'm coming ahead of time. It makes more sense to go during attendance period with a pass than to go during passing time and probably be late to class because of it.

And what business is it of the librarian what I want to do in the library? As long as I'm being quiet and not bothering anyone or adding pretty pictures to the non-picture books, what should she care? Most of the kids in the library aren't actually doing work anyway, they're on the computer looking up the Backstreet Boys or something.

I miss elementary school when we had library time every week and the library had lots of comfortable places to sit and read and the librarians liked it when you talked to them or asked them for help. Sigh.


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