Friday, April 11, 2003

Tada, last story of the night, unless inspiration strikes later on.

I'm writing weirdly tonight. Is weirdly a word?

Anyway, in Sociology Mr. Rodriguez had a really bad headache and just decided he couldn't teach so we had a free period. So we're sitting around talking, and some of us are trying to give him advice on what to do for his headache (take too many advil's, etc.). So here's a kind of transcript of sorts of what I can remember about this whole long conversation. I'm sure this is probably all wrong, but this is just the basics of what I remember. Please don't get mad at me if I used your name and you didn't actually say something or I wrote it wrong, I mean no harm, just to make people laugh, and I'll take anything out if people want me to. But hopefully it's all okay.

Rodriguez has a terrible headache and the medicine isn't working yet.
Some kid: You should try choking yourself.
Rodriguez: What?!
Some kid: Cuts off oxygen to the brain. Some people do it to get high, it's basically the same thing.
Rodriguez: And some people do it for sexual gratification.
Kevin: What'd he just say?
Robin: Some people choke themselves during sex.
Rodriguez: Gah! No! Teenage girls are not allowed to say sex.
Robin: Sex sex sex
Rodriguez: Gaaah!! (holds head in hands in horror...or pain..or both)
Deana: Mr. Rodriguez, you don't like to talk about sex? Your wife is pregnant!
Rodriguez: No, no one say "sex" or "pregnant"
Deana: What are you going to do with your son? He's gonna have sperm.
Rodriguez: Oh dear god, she said sperm.
Somebody says it's good how he isn't having a girl.
Robin: But you're gonna have to teach your son about sex, you're gonna have to be the one to do that.
Rodriguez: Gah, stop saying sex! Besides, it'll be a whole different thing psychologically than if I had a girl.
Deana: No, it'll be worse, 'cause boys masturbate a lot.
Rodriguez: (cringes) Oh my god (holds head in horror again)
Some girl: Yeah, boys are oversexed.
Some boy: No, we may think about sex a lot and be undersexed.
Some girl: Yeah, boys think about sex every seven seconds.
Robin: I heard that's not true, although they do think about sex a lot.
Will goes about trying to explain how they got that number for how often guys think of sex.
Some girl: Yeah, well I think about sex a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm oversexed...
Rodriguez: No! High school kids should not be talking about sex. High school kids should not be having sex.
Robin: Yeah, but that doesn't mean that they're not having sex.
Rodriguez: Gah, you started this!!
Robin: I did not! You did! You said the thing about sexual whatever!
Deana: No, (whoever it was) did! He said the thing about choking!
Rodriguez: But you started the whole thing!
Robin: I did not!!! He did!!!
Rodriguez: We should not be talking about sex in here.
Robin: Why? This is sociology. We wouldn't have a society without sex. Ooh, I just thought about another reason why it's good you're not having a girl, but I won't say it. But I'll tell Deana. (whispers to Deana)
Deana: (says loud enough so Rodriguez can hear, but says it to someone else) She said it's good he's not having a girl 'cause then she'd get a period.
Rodriguez: Oh god (holds head again)
Bell rings

It was actually even funnier than that. Hope you enjoyed.


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