Tuesday, April 15, 2003

So yeah, I'm growing out my bangs and whatever they're long and annoying, but the REALLY annoying thing is that they're getting all static cling-like and STICKING TO MY EYELIDS!! Blech. Very annoying.

Today in English we were talking about masks and how when you meet new people you put up a mask, and I said how I don't think that's true all the time. Sometimes I meet new people and it's intimidating and then yeah, I put up a mask, intentionally or not. But sometimes I meet people and automatically feel comfortable around them and then there's no need for a mask and I can just be myself. I think those are the people that I stay friends with actually.

But this made me think about how people act differently around different people. Like how I act differently around different groups of friends sometimes. Or I used to. Not in a bad way, just like my way of speaking would change or something. Like if I was talking to my music nerd friends I'd use a different style of language and different way of speaking then if I was talking to someone from my history class. Or if I'm talking to guys sometimes I'll talk differently than when I talk to girls. Or even the kind of rate that I speak at, like if I am talking to Linda I talk really fast because Linda talks really fast, and it gets into this whole giant mess of talking that no one can understand except us. That's funny.

But anyway...so random...just a thought since I see that in my blog sometimes...sometimes I write in very different styles, sometimes short and abstract or vague or funny or sometimes long and descriptive, or sometimes long and nonsense...it's weird...anyway....

Passover is this week. Gah. Must get foods that are actually edible for passover:

Matzah (but not to eat as just matzah, make into yummy matzah based things...regular matzah is disgusting)
String cheese (hehe, 'cause that's fun to play with)

And some other stuff. But now I'm tired. G'night.


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