Sunday, May 11, 2003

So yesterday we all went to Mt Fuji for Philippe's birthday. Afterward, Miles, Mari and Philippe went to Jacob's party while Mike, Linda, Matt, and I stayed at Mike's. We were all sitting around watching the news so we could see the thing about Rocky Horror being cancelled (which I have my own opinions on, and maybe I'll say something, but I really don't know enough about it to say too much without being afraid I misinterpretted things) and this story about this club in West Orange came on. It was talking about how the guys in charge were having sex with minors there or something (the funny part is this is where Matt had his Bar Mitzvah...hahaha) and we realize that the reporter narrating the story has a really funny voice. Like a kinda lispy Christopher Llowel sounding voice. So we all laughed at that. Everyone got a little distracted and was talking for a little bit and I was still sort of watching, when I see this guy in a wheel chair wheeling towards the camera and talking and realize this is the reporter talking in the lispy voice and for some reason I find it HYSTERICAL. I'm a bad person, I know. But I was only really laughing 'cause he had a funny voice and then he HAPPENED to be in a wheelchair and it was so random that I laughed....a lot....for a long time. I'm evil. Shut up. So Mike thought this was really funny and when Miles, Mari, and Philippe come back he tells them I was laughing at a guy in a wheelchair with a speech impediment and that I'm a horrible person. While trying to defend myself I said:

"I wasn't laughing at him because he's in a wheelchair! I was laughing at him because he has a speech impediment AND he's in a wheelchair!"

This ended up on Mike's blog and this all leads me to the point that sometimes, Philippe and I have funny conversations....this one being on the above topic...

DaThrillPh (2:19:25 AM): oh lordy jesus I can't fall asleep
TypicalBrunette (2:19:34 AM): hahahaha you said lordy jesus
TypicalBrunette (2:19:36 AM): and that sucks
TypicalBrunette (2:19:40 AM): and i sent you a picture
DaThrillPh (2:19:52 AM): oh yeah? alright I'll check it
TypicalBrunette (2:20:00 AM): k
TypicalBrunette (2:20:30 AM): i got quote of the day on mike's blog, i'm so proud, haha
DaThrillPh (2:20:57 AM): lol I'm annoyed I missed that
TypicalBrunette (2:21:08 AM): hehe
TypicalBrunette (2:21:15 AM): well you didn't miss the line
TypicalBrunette (2:21:23 AM): i was trying to justify myself and it came out wrong
TypicalBrunette (2:21:30 AM): because really, there's no way to justify that
TypicalBrunette (2:21:31 AM): i'm just evil
DaThrillPh (2:21:40 AM): hahaha
DaThrillPh (2:21:43 AM): I knooooow

Later in the conversation:

TypicalBrunette (3:25:32 AM): AHHAHAHA
TypicalBrunette (3:25:34 AM): sorry
TypicalBrunette (3:25:36 AM): that was mean
TypicalBrunette (3:25:40 AM): i think i have tourettes
DaThrillPh (3:25:43 AM): hahah
DaThrillPh (3:25:51 AM): tell that to the guy in the wheelchair

There was another part of this conversation on something TOTALLY different, except I can't post it 'cause it happens to be about someone...and I had this whole REALLY funny intro to this, but it got a little too obvious and I took it out 'cause I didn't want someone to get mad at me. But if you want to know, ask me and I'll send it to you. 'Cause it's really funny.

TypicalBrunette (3:28:12 AM): omg i get WAY too upset over it, it's so funny
DaThrillPh (3:28:30 AM): hahah stop controlling the little freshmen
DaThrillPh (3:28:33 AM): they'll find their
DaThrillPh (3:28:35 AM): way soon enough
TypicalBrunette (3:28:38 AM): but it's so fun! they're like my little toys!
TypicalBrunette (3:28:40 AM): AHAHAHAHAHAHAH basically...I'm satan...or something along those lines....


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