Tuesday, May 06, 2003

So today I decided that I'm going to have to start boycotting pizza for lunch every day. It's not that I don't love Roman Gourmet, I do...it's just that pizza everyday is kinda icky. I'm getting pretty sick of it. Not to mention it's making me squishier in some places I'd prefer not to be so squishy. And I kinda have no money as of this moment. And I owe Matt a dollar because he said "That test was wack" to Mrs. Petrallia. And I'm already in debt over limo things...

Speaking of which, we got a limo yesterday! Hooray. There was way too much drama over it last night, it was highly ridiculous. Basically 7 or 8 people in a chat room all going "I want a big limo!" "It's too expensive!" "I don't want one, why'd you vote without me?" and other such things and me and other people at various times going "It's just a car...for fuck's sake, no need for such a fit." and similar things. So now my limo is me and Matt, Miles and Mari, Mike and Gina, and Philippe and Megan. That makes me happy 'cause I like all those people. And I didn't even really know the other people who were going to be in the big limo, except like Dan and Madeline. Whatever, our limo is cool.

And yeah, Ewelina reads my blog? Ewelina are you reading this? Hi! Ewelina said "Fuck! Christian club!" today in gym and I thought it was hysterically funny except that you'd really have to be there...
Who else reads this thing? I have no idea! Please tell me! That's what the comments thing on the bottom of the post is for...or you could just IM me...

So in math yesterday we walked in and immedeatly (how the FUCK do you spell that word?!) all started screaming and laughing and making jokes about Klemer. Which is mean, 'cause he isn't a horrible guy, but it was just too funny. So then the sub walks in and we were like, "So you know what happened to our teacher?" and she says, very unconvincingly, "Um....I think he's...sick..." and we all started laughing hysterically again. Then some kid drew a stick figure on the board and in a jail cell and wrote under it "FREE KLEMER". We all laughed at that and the sub told him to erase it even though she was secretely laughing and trying to hide it behind a piece of paper.

Best line of the entire class was when I heard Kyle Petersen say: "So do you think he'll be somebody's bitch or do you think he'll have his own bitch?"

But seriously, it's just so weird that Klemer was into that stuff. Not totally surprising, just weird. I remember seeing him around when I was in middle school and he was my study teacher last year and he was actually an okay teacher and everything. It's just weird.

And English is still boring.


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