Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Yes!!! It works! It works!

Of course I had to change the link to typicalbrunette2002 which completely sucks as opposed to typicalbrunette, but whatever, it works!!!

Merry Christmas all you non-Jews. Wait, that's wrong, I possibly just wished Buddhist people a Merry Christmas. Eh, whatever.

I would write something really long and cool (and be the only one NOT just copying and pasting Miles's blog about our Back to the Future marathon), but it's Christmas which means I'm going to the movies with my family as is the tradition of Jewish Christmas. So now I must go shower and get dressed and stuff, although I'd really love it if I could go to the movies in my pajamas. Oh well.

But yay for a working blog.

Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday Dan Lange even though you can't remember my birthday AT ALL EVER and you owe me money and you say "whatwhat" way too much (meaning you said it once). "What" is one word. Why won't anyone believe me?

But I said Happy Birthday to you so now you have to get me a present. HA.

And thank you to Matt for defending my honor against being called a slut numerous times. I'm friends with such as assholes. Ah well, at least they're funny.

Time to go.


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