Monday, November 18, 2002

Well, it's 10:36 AM and I'm already home from school. Go me. I actually feel like writing today, so this might be kind of long. Or not. Whatever.

To start off, I feel very very crappy. Stupid cold. I actually took cold medicine last night which helped a little and I got at least a few hours of good sleep. Of course, I can't take dimetapp (sp?) during the day 'cause it makes you very sleepy as it's actually a kids medicine and as everyone knows, sick kids are much more fun when they're asleep. So I started off school medicine free. Ick.

Was late to orchestra and got locked out (this was after Philippe laughed at my skirt...I don't care what you say, Philippe, you were laughing at my skirt, I know you were). That kinda sucked. Then when I finally got inside I found out that the orchestra will be playing with chamber choir on "And the Glory" or whatever it's called. Mr. May called me out for rolling my eyes when he announced this. Hehe. Oops. I just know that I'm either gonna end up having to sing this in orchestra because Mr. May likes to humiliate people or play my violin in chorus because Dr. Imhoff would probably think it'd be really cool or something. That kinda stuff always happens, it's very annoying.

Anyway, after that was chorus where I felt like I was about to pass out from not being able to breathe too well and trying to sing and then coughing every five seconds. Yay germs. Ha. And here's the part where I have to say that Mike and Philippe are two of my favorite people in the whole world because they try to make me laugh when I feel like shit (and usually succeed). And because they sat with me at the end of choir. I feel a little left out in choir now because the person next to me and I have some um...hmm...issues..and don't want to sit next to each other, therefore there is a space between us big enough to fit two more chairs in between. And since I'm at the end, that usually means I'm off by myself, pretty much completely seperated from everyone else. Not so much fun. So Philippe and Mike sat with me during the announcements and that cheered me up.

After announcements I begged for a pass to the nurse 'cause I couldn't take being in school anymore, I just felt too sick. I got the meaner of the two nurses. I hate how they ask you, "Well were you sick at home this morning? Did your parents know this?". They don't realize that parents are dumb sometimes. Like how my mother KNOWS I'm sick, and still sends me off to school because she's slightly sadistic and afraid I'll have to many absences. Just because my parents are aware that I don't feel well and sent me to school anyway doesn't mean that I'm faking it and there's nothing wrong with me. It's annoying how school nurses always assume that you're faking it. Although being a person who used to fake sick a lot, it's probably partially my fault and I should shut up. I wouldn't be surprised if the nurses had some kind of file on me as one of those kids who ends up in the nurses office WAY too much at nearly the same time every time because they're trying to get out of a specific class ::coughjournalismcough::.


My mom actually let me come home, amazingly enough. Although it was under the condition that I work on college applications and take all sorts of icky medicine that I hate. Whatever, at least I'm not stuck in gym class feeling miserable. And she actually said I could go to rehearsal tonight, which is incredible because if I stay home sick she never lets me do anything. I think she just realized that it's better for me to come home now while I don't actually have a fever than to make me suffer through school and wear myself down and then get really sick right before the show. That would be horrible.

And now I'm home and wasting my really cute outfit that I was so proud of. Yes, I'm vain, deal with it. Also, I got a lot of hugs today. Mike and Gina (sort of, she was using me as a barrier against the wind during the fire drill since Mike was already taken by both me and Emma, hehe) and Kaity and Anthony all gave me hugs. So if you all get sick

I'm listening to Tchiakovsky's version of "Peter and the Wolf". Hehehe. It makes me all nostalgic because we did a little play to that when I was in kindergarten and I was the bird (ironically enough...why do I always end up playing birds? Like being named Robin isn't bad enough).

I think I'll go take my gross medicine now, I've written way too much and nothing's really happened to me today. Somebody talk to me, I'm so very lonely. Well..not really...but someone talk to me anyway.


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