Sunday, November 17, 2002

Ugh, I'm so sick. And I have to go to work tomorrow. Grrrrr.

Saw Philippe's play, it was very exciting. I get way too excited about seeing my friends in stuff 'cause then I go backstage and I'm jumping up and down going "Where are they?! It was so cool, I want to see them!" and stuff. Anna and Jen and I were all being giggly at knowing someone in the play.

And then I come home and someone's going "Hang out with me" at 2 in the morning. And then telling me I'm no fun because I said no and my parents would be pissed if I tried to sneak out. People are assholes sometimes, it's very obnoxious. I wonder if my life will ever be asshole free. Doubtful.

I have anger issues.


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