Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Again I will express how much fun I have at Parnassian rehearsals. It's really sad that I have so much fun there, it just shows how much I lack a real life.

Got there early because I didn't feel like sitting at home and just hung around for awhile. Much craziness ensued, including but not limited to such things as Miles completely embarassing me by...to put it technically...implying I was involved with someone who I am not currenly involved with. Except he implied this in front of five people, maybe? Obviously, I then beat him with my script. More craziness: Brent, for some reason, decided to pick me up and spin me around very fast until I screamed at him to stop 'cause I was getting just a little nauseous. But it was fun for a little while. It's nice having Brent around because I've known him since elementary school and can say things to him like "Hey, remember back in third grade..?" and have him actually know what I was talking about. I have very few people like that left.

It was also decided during rehearsal that I'm more likely to get into a fist fight with a guy than a cat fight with a girl. Huh.

I'm going backwards here. Before rehearsal, I went to see scary college lady who actually isn't really that scary, just slightly intimidating. She doesn't like to waste words, which is hard for me because I greatly enjoy wasting words. Obviously I do if I say things like "greatly enjoy". She loved my essay, which is funny because it was crap that I wrote half an hour before I was supposed to see her last week and didn't get to. It was about my fourth grade play and how it made me realize I liked acting. What's great is that so far, it's really the only essay that I need. Yay! So far....

School was alright. Mr. May was absent so I sat around with Diane and Ray talking all period. We're all going to be starving artists when we grow up. Diane's going to be a writer, Ray's going to be a musician/composer, and I'm going to be an actress. So basically, we're all going to end up living in cardboard boxes. We decided that we'd all live next to each other and maybe consolidate our boxes so we'd have more space. It was very funny. I hate how I have the cheesiest profession of all three of us. Being an actress doesn't make you seem very cool and artsy, does it?

Chorus was chorus. We actually stopped and went over sections today. About time. I sat there and had no one to talk to the whole time. Oh well. Kaity went to lunch with us! Yay! That was lotsa fun...'cept we accidently ditched Anna. I apologized a hundred times in study, but she didn't seem mad. So that's good, but I still feel bad about it. And Mrs. Petrallia was absent which just about made my day.

And now I'm running out of things to talk about, except to say that this hair thingy is really pissing me off. I think it looks stupid and does nothing but get in my face. That's the last time I let my family members pressure me into doing something to my hair. Maybe I'll leave it in another day or so, but I'm losing patience with it very fast.

And now I'm sleepy. G'night.


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