Saturday, November 23, 2002

Remember children:

When you assume, you make an ass of u and me.

But I already make an ass of myself most of the time anyway. So all you really accomplish is making an ass out of yourself and REALLY pissing me off.

Meanwhile, I had a dream that we were doing both "Cagebirds" and "The Dining Room" at the same time, but I blew them both off because for some reason I was going to the Emmy's. And for some reason I was in New York and my aunt showed up wearing too much make up and pushing a baby carriage and offered to take me shopping in Charlotte Russe. And Charlotte Russe was suddenly a much bigger store with a convention center and everything, and when I tried to go try on clothes, some random guys were in there trying to watch me (I blame that on the co-ed changing that goes on at the play) and they wouldn't go away, so I tried to punch one of them but I ended up being very slow and weak and it didn't work so well. That's around the time that I woke up, I think.

And I still don't feel so great. Maybe I really am sick? I dunno.


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