Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I think I sleep better when my cat sleeps on my bed with me. She gets really snuggly and I think it helps me relax and fall asleep faster.

Closer to You by Brandi Carlile is a good song. It's free this week on itunes, so go get it. Not my usual thing, but I still like it.

My math teacher is German and says "Shanges" instead of "Changes". I like her, though, even though some kids in the class think she goes too fast. I automatically like math teachers pretty often, even if they're supposed to be tough. Weird.

They took Case Closed off of Adult Swim again. Boo.

My Grandmother's birthday was on Sunday. We brought her cupcakes and she walked around telling everyone she was fifteen and grinning. She does that every year and I found it oddly comforting that she still did it.

I have a mole kinda high up on my stomach. It's not like a creepy mole or anything, it's little and not gross at all, in my opinion. I used to hate it and say I was going to get it removed when I was older. Now sometimes I think I should get it removed simply to avoid future problems, but I don't want to 'cause I like it now. It makes me feel kinda unique and if I got it removed my stomach would look like everyone else's and I feel like I wouldn't recognize it. I'm a weirdo, but oh well. And if you're sitting there thinking, "Ew, moles are gross," shut up, 'cause Cindy Crawford made a career of being hot and having a mole. Hush.

I love the song Jupiter by Holst and am listening to it now.

K, that's all. Night.


Blogger Linda said...

yeah orchestra. i miss cats. but i don't miss math.

Wed Sep 28, 11:04:00 PM  

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