Saturday, September 24, 2005

Yeah, she's a-triflin'....

This is all the stuff that happened yesterday:

The fire alarm went off two times before 8:00 at school yesterday.

A big ole map fell on my western civ. teacher when he tried to pull it down. He got all mad and said it hit him in the arm and went to complain, came back with an ice pack on his arm, and just then was when the fire alarm went off for a third time and he sent us home.

Drove home, sat down for ten minutes, turned around and drove back for math class. That was kinda dumb, but I didn't feel like sitting in the parking lot for an hour and a half.

Got humiliated by my English teacher in front of most of the class for simply asking "Do you know when we'll be getting our papers back?" I posted about that in the entry below this because when I tried to write this I went on a long rant about how rude she was and that made this post stupidly long(er than it already is...sorry).

Anyway, we ended up watching a completely horrible video during English. It was just ridiculous. I think it was made in the early 80's or something and it was just this woman in a little classroom set with some "learners" talking about "Grammer for the business world". Seriously, all she did the entire time was talk into the camera, that was it. Barely anything was in writing and when they did put a definition on the screen it was not up for any decent amount of time to write it down. And she seriously said something like "So sometimes you need certain words to link two phrases together. I think I'll call this a conjunction."


WTF?!?!?! DID YOU JUST INVENT CONJUNCTIONS?! That's like me saying "Sometimes I like to use this device to speak with people who are at a different location than I am. I think I'll call this a telephone." And then Alexander Graham Bell gets out of his grave and comes and kicks my ass for being a FRICKIN' MORON.


Right. So after that lovely little lesson, we actually got to leave early. Hooray! So I was on my way home all happy that I was getting to leave early, figuring out all the errands I could do and what I wanted for dinner when suddenly I hear this weird noise from the right side of the car. This really loud hissing noise. Followed by this horrible sound.

That's right, my friends, I had gotten a flat tire just barely outside of the town limits. I actually tried to get the car home since I was pretty near, but it was making awful noises and I was slowing everyone behind me down, so I pulled off into this little side street and called my dad to come help me change the tire. That should have been it.

Except the frickin' thing wouldn't come off.

My dad and I are not at all mechanically minded, nor are we all that strong. We were trying our best, really, but we could just not get the stupid nut things off the tire with the tool we have. We had just called triple A and were feeling like utter losers when this guy who lived right next to where I'd parked came over with a bunch of awesome hardcore tools. He had been working on his own car and tried to help us out. He managed to get the nuts (keep your dirty jokes to yourself, I'm begging you) off of the wheel, but then we just couldn't get the wheel off. He was banging it with a hammer and trying to pry it off but it wouldn't budge. It was completely rusted on. We ended up still having to wait for the triple A guy, who managed to get the wheel off by kicking it a lot, whacking it with the spare tire (that was kinda weird), and finally getting this giant metal tool of some sort and attacking the tire with that. And then kicking it some more. So only about three hours after starting my twenty minute drive we finally got home, dirty, smelling like a car, and really having to pee.

But the guy who helped us out was really nice. I kinda feel like baking him cookies or something. Because my dad and I are such losers when it comes to cars and he was very very nice to us.

So basically. Yesterday sucked. And you should make sure that your tires are not rusted on 'cause if they go splat you'll be screwed.


Blogger Player Von Player said...

HAHAHAHAHAH great reading

Sat Sep 24, 02:05:00 AM  

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