Sunday, September 18, 2005

The computer is never wrong...

Feeling less yucky today. PMS is a bitch, ain't it?

Went to breakfast with my parents this morning. Mmm, chocolate chip pancakes.

And I worked with Brooke tonight!! Brooke is so much fun. She loves puppies and making fun of everyone as much as I do. Wheeee.

Plus she's way better at dealing with snarky customers than I am.


Customer: No, I took that out on Thursday, why was it due on Wednesday?
Robin: Um, let me, you took it out on Wednesday and it was due the next Wednesday...
Customer: That's impossible, I was at work that day.
Robin: Well, it says you took it out at 10 on Wednesday...
Customer: I didn't!
Robin: I'm just going by what the computer says...
Customer: (sarcasticy) Oh, and the computer's never wrong?
Robin: Uh...Brooke?
Brooke: (looks completely innocently at customer) No, the computer is never wrong. (continues what she was doing)

In other news, it was discovered this morning that my mother, when finding herself at a loss for words, will automatically go to her default of giving me some innane chore to do or errand I have to run. She freely admitted to doing this. Oh, how fun my mother is. But she makes up for it with statements like "Mountain Dew tastes like pee", so it's all good.


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