Tuesday, September 27, 2005

So far up your ass...

Ever have a moment when you remember some really good line you should have used on someone being a dumb bitch?

Well, I just did. So I'm going to use it now. I was friends with this girl in tenth grade and she had a sleepover birthday party and did not invite me.

So I was sitting at home all by my lonesome and I was online and another friend IM's me from this girl's party and we're talking and then the birthday girl gets on the computer and when I said, "Happy Birthday" she went "Haha, where's my present?" and I just went "Haha" and then ignored her.

And so now, I shall replay that moment as it should have gone:

Robin: Hey, happy birthday!
BdayGrl: haha wheres my present :P?
Robin: Where's my invitation, bitch?

End replay.

That may not have actually been a "really great line" but at leat I feel a little better now.

Good night. :-)


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