Monday, February 07, 2005


Apparently there was some kind of ball game going on yesterday....? I, of course, remain oblivious. Because, as we all know, I am a girl, and girl's don't know a damn thing about sports. ::Susan B. Anthony comes back from the dead and pummels me with a sack of $1 coins::

Just kidding. Of course.

So did Green Bay win*?

Tee hee hee hee hee

Meanwhile, I watched some old episodes of Futurama on DVD last night. I think Bender shitting a brick is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in animation. That, and the kool aid guy.

Class soon, must go.

*Just so you all don't think I'm that stupid - Superbowl: Patriots vs. Eagles. Patriots whooped the Eagles by three points. Now I'm gone. Byyye.


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