Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Boring Robin

Update time!!

Sitting in the school "media center"...which consists of three computers that won't let you use AIM properly. Yech. Plus, I have a headache. And my next class isn't for about two hours. Joy.

I think I'm gonna get out of here soon, go wander around and find some tylenol perhaps....with the money I don't have...crap.

Right..I have about three dollars in the bank right now...literally.

Dave is sitting next to me using the other computer. Apparently he's intimidated by my "crazy fast typing skills". I so totally rule.

So today I directed a scene in acting...I mean directing class. My acting class that got morphed into directing. I got a lot of compliments on it...."a lot" meaning two. But still. We used the theme from Jaws in the scene. Nifty, huh? If only it had actually been my idea and not this other kids who is constantly called a genius by our teacher. Oh well. He still seemed to like all the other parts too.

I am so boring right now. Sigh...


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