Math Notes Part Deux
*Note...I was kinda a bitch about some chick in my class...I didn't actually mean that mean stuff, I was just bored and cranky and annoyed...I'm sure she's a perfectly nice well as the teacher, who was a substitute today, hence my cranky annoyance....substitutes in college...gah...just cancel the class!!...Anyway...enjoy :-) (I hope)

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Valentine's Day is on Monday! Ohh...exciting...My mom is apparently getting me a Valentine present...
Oh man...there's this chick in my class who is way way WAY too excited to be here... You know the kind... the chick who sits in the front row everyday and answers every question allowed(should be "aloud"...what a dumbass I am)...even rhetorical questions...and laughs at every stupid ass joke the teacher says... or even laughs just 'cause the teacher is chuckling awkardly...
ew...and she just randomly talks to the teacher like they're in some kind of private tutoring session...bleh...

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I'm a bit dissapointed... the girl with the cool dreads isn't here... Ho hum... somebody told me... that you had a boyfriend..who looked like a girlfriend..that I had in February of last year... ladida...
Sometimes in class when I'm desperately bored I'll try and count out the seconds left in class... it never works... I think I count too fast... or maybe the clock knows what I'm doing and slows down to punish me for...I dunno... offending the clock gods...

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Dave yelled at me for not just walking out of class last week when I had to pee... Okay, wait, I havve to interrupt this story... remember annoying talks too much chick? OMG If I didn't know better... I'd say that her and the sub are... FLIRTING!
Ew! Ew ew ew ew ew! Okay... they're about the same age... 40's - 50's... but...EW!

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WTF, man?! W. T. F. You are not flirting with the teacher in front of the class! That's disgusting!
Alright... so along w/ the gross flirting this kid in the front just farted... Do you see what happens when you flirt in class?! You give your students gas...
Hey... that rhymed... and yeah... I almost busted out laughing when the kid farted... because I'm 5...

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I wonder if I'll still think farting is funny when I'm old... I mean.... if you can't laugh at farting... What can you laugh at?
Yeah teacher just said "cone" and I thought he said "colon" and almost laughed... what is wrong w/ me today?!
Talks-a-lot just asked how to put 1/3 into her calculator...sigh...

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(pictures and an actual note to myself!)
Still have the Killers stuck in my head... Weekend at Bernie's was on this morning... I definitely saw Bernie moving his legs... cheap!
Woohoo I just put an answer on the board and it was right and I rule... although now I feel like everyone was staring at my wrinkley jeans... or my butt... either or...
Now talks-a-lot is just repeating other people's answers like she thought of them all by herself... bleh...sigh... want to go home!...
you where wrinkly jeans? hmmm.. sad day.
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