Friday, December 17, 2004

Boob twisting action...

Anyone know what I'm talkin' about? Anyway....

I so hate those new AOL commercial's sooooo much. They're all "Oh, look at us, we're a family company, we listen to our customers, we really care about you!" But no, they're not, they're just EVIL OVERLORDS trying to TAKE OVER YOUR SOUL.

Or something like that. Plus the mom in them is really annoying.

Also, South Park can be really funny, but looking at Mr. Hanky makes me feel like watching PAX tv for the next year only so I won't be faced with singing and dancing poo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you seen the anti-AOL spoofs of those commercials with the same mom and actors? its for netzero or something much cheaper. quite entertaining.

also, i have had a south park craving for the past week but every time i go to comedy central, IT'S NOT THERE!!! what do i have to do to get some south park, man?!

slut #MARI

Sat Dec 18, 12:17:00 AM  

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