Friday, February 20, 2004

So I'm definitely a reality TV freak. I'm watching "Til Death Do Us Part: Carmen and Dave" and holy shit, these people are FREAKS. And it's FANTASTIC television.

For their wedding invitation they took a picture of themselves on...I dunno what to call it...coroner's tables? Embalming table? Whatever, but they made themselves look dead. For the picture for their WEDDING INVITATION. It's creepy, yet amazing. But mostly creepy.

Did I mention they were naked? 'Cause...NAKED. Boobies and penis just hangin' out there on the wedding invitation. Hehe. Someday their kids will see that. It kinda makes me giggle a little. But mostly feel sorry for those kids.

Oh yeah, has anyone seen that FedEx commercial...or UPS...or I dunno...but they're all going "If we don't get this out by tomorrow we're DOOMED!" and then the guy standing in the back just minding his own business just stops and goes "DOOMED!" for absolutely no reason.....I love it. I just love it.

I do NOT watch too much TV!


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