Saturday, February 07, 2004

From Molly (who is now 20 YEARS OLD as of yesterday!! Holy Moses!! Happy day after your birthday, Molly my dear! You are like the..well not annoying enough to be a lets say cousin I never had :-D.)

1)Spell your name with bands
REM (And I can totally sing "It's the End of The World As We Know It" at the right tempo...but I do need the words in front of me..I am weak)
our Lady Peace (who are they? They're on my computer in WinAmp, but I don't remember them)
bBeatles. Yes. Rock on.
incubus (meh)
no Doubt. Indeed.

2) Have you ever had a song written about you?
Not that I know of. I had a poem written about me, though. It's in a book (my dad's friend's a published poet). But it's from when I was a baby and it was about nursing,

3) What song makes you cry? Bad Day by Fuel because the video had the chick dying and the guy was all sad and it made me cry.

4) What song makes you happy? Good Feeling - Travis, Everything's Not Lost - Coldplay, You and I - Jason Mraz, and other stuff, too. Oh yeah, Don't Worry, Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin. :-)

5) What do you like to listen to before bed? The TV. Usually Conan or if it's really late MASH. That's REALLY late.

a p p e a r a n c e
HEIGHT: Somewhere between 5'3" and 5'5". The doctor says 5'3 and 3/4" but everywhere else I've been measured says 5'5".
HAIR COLOR: Originally: Brown, Plus highlights: Brown with streaks of blonde, Plus bad home dye job: Dark red...but the red's pretty much totally gone almost now. Yay! Glad I did that and got it out of the way and now don't have to want to dye my hair red again.
SKIN COLOR: Really pale. What can I say? I'm Russian.
EYE COLOR: Light brown which has been described as many different colors (honey, golden, whatever) which for some reason have a tendency to get greenish randomly. Usually when I'm wearing green. Makes sense.
PIERCINGS: My ears were pierced but they're closed up. For the most part. They've never completely healed up.

r i g h t n o w
WHAT COLOUR TROUSERS ARE YOU WEARING?: I'm wearing a long reddish skirt with dragons on it. It's pretty. I look like a hippie.

WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?: I'm not listening to anything right now, but Molly listened to Evanescence? Nice! What'd you think, Mol?

WHAT TASTE IS IN YOUR MOUTH?: Icky bad taste you get when you're hungry but too lazy to go get food and the last thing you ate was a white cheese rice cake.

WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE? I dunno, it's night time. And February. So cold.

HOW ARE YOU? Not bad, and you?

d o y o u
GET MOTION SICKNESS?: Not usually, although for some reason when we all went to the beach this summer and I was trying to go deeper in the ocean I got kinda sea sick. That sucked, I was just starting to have fun.

HAVE A BAD HABIT?: You want a list? Let's see...knuckle cracking, coughing insesantly (not really a habit, I do it 'cause I have allergies, but it annoys people..especially my mother 'cause it wakes her up if I'm coughing a lot and she gets mad.), not covering my mouth when I yawn, leg twitching (to the extent of making everyone around me's chairs shake), bad temper over dumb things...shall I continue?

GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?: For the most part. Although there are times when you just have to go "WTF?! I'm moving out..."

LIKE TO DRIVE?: Usually, yes. I'm more indifferent to it now that I've been driving longer. But I don't really hate it or anything.

l o v e
BOYFRIEND: Yes :-) Can't wait to see him!
GIRLFRIEND: Mm, no, sorry boys. Although, Linda and Mari and I all decided that we are eye candy lesbians who have girls we think are absolutely gorgeous and would love to stare at for a really long time, but wouldn't actually do anything with as we aren't ACTUAL lesbians.
SEXUALITY: I do believe I just went over this. Straight, but hey, a hot chick's a hot chick and I'm perfectly willing to admit it. But that's about all I'll do. :-)
CHILDREN:None. Let's keep it that way for awhile, alright? Although I would like children at some point in the future it'd probably be better if it was way in the future, say, with a husband and a job and a way to feed them and a place to keep them that's NOT my parents house?

CURRENT CRUSH: I'll have to go with Matt. Yeah. I've got a crush on him. I hope I haven't been to obvious? ::bites nails::
BEEN HURT?: Yes indeed.
YOUR CD PLAYER HAS IN IT RIGHT NOW: The Coors - In Blue, but that's only 'cause I found it lying around and didn't know where else to put it. I haven't actually listened to it in quite awhile.
IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?: Um...something sparkly...and multicolored...I'd be that crayon that someone had melted all the other colored crayons together to make. And then added glitter. 'Cause why the hell not?
WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? Lotsa stuff. My friends. My family (sometimes). My cat. Books. Good movies. Watching Buffy. Eating something tasty. Watching Buffy WHILE eating something tasty. Riding around with someone just talking and not realizing you've been driving for two hours. Solving hard riddles. Figuring out what's going to happen in a movie/TV show/book way before it happens. Making people smile. Making people laugh. Talking to the little kids at work. Painting. Singing. Listening to music. Dancing (even if I'm bad at it). Helping someone to feel better. Hugs. Stuff other than hugs ::wiggles eyebrows::. I could keep going but I think you're probably getting bored now. :-)

WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET?: Hmm....I have no idea...maybe Jason Mraz? Maybe Norah Jones? I really don't know.

WHO DO YOU CONSIDER GOOD FRIENDS?: My "group" is made up of Matt, Linda, Mari (where are you, chica? I haven't talked to you in a very long time), Miles, Philippe, Mike, and Natalie. But I have lots of other people I consider good friends as well, like my lovely Kaity. :-)

w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
TIME YOU CRIED?: I think a few days ago after reading a sad story, but it was only a couple of tears.
YOU GOT A REAL LETTER?: mom used to send me cards at college. But now she doesn't, 'cause I'm a big stupid slacker. But actually it's 'cause I live here now, and that would just be silly to send me cards.

YOU GOT E-MAIL: I got one today from the Rabbi's secretary. That was weird.

THING YOU PURCHASED: and a yoohoo at Roman Gourmet a few days ago?

TV PROGRAM YOU WATCHED: The end of Law and Order SVU (I wrote SUV at first..oops) with my mom.

MOVIE YOU SAW AT THE THEATER: Um..I think Return of the King with Molly and Diane, but I'm not sure.

y o u r t h o u g h t s o n
ABORTION: It's up to whoever might want it. I don't think I'd want it, though.
TEENAGE SMOKING: Blech. I really don't understand who thought up the concept of putting flaming sticks in your mouth. It's just kinda strange to me.

SPICEGIRLS: Haha, I saw Ginger Spice on Conan. What a slut.


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