Wednesday, February 04, 2004

10 Bands/Artists You've Seen Live.
+ Michelle Branch
+ Jason Mraz
+ Some band I don't remember the name of but their lead singer was a drama queen
+ Um...Bobby McFerrin when I was 9?
+ They Might Be Giants at the taping of a radio show when I was little and didn't know they were famous and cool
+ NY Symphony Orch? Do they count?
+ CHS Band?
+ Virginia Glee Club?
+ Who's that chick who sings all the Jewish songs? My parents dragged me to one of her concerts when I was little...Judy something or other....

9 Things You're Looking Forward To.
+ visiting Matt
+ visiting Matt
+ visiting Matt
+ being able to do more at my job other than folding things and washing things
+ spring
+ for my laptop to get here
+ getting paid
+ going shopping for pretty bras and clothes
+ visiting Matt....I don't have a one track mind...I just have one thing taking up most of the tracks....

8 Things You Wear Daily.
+ My heart necklace
+ underwear
+ pants
+ shirts
+ um...moisterizer?
+ usually a hair tie
+ sometimes some make up?
+ nailpolish on my toes that i'm too lazy to take off

7 Things That Annoy You.
+ paper cuts
+ my photo teacher
+ my laptop being broken
+ that really annoying commercial with the fat guy with the beard singing some song with a mountain in it...i think..or love..whatever, it's obnoxious
+ that there is no adult swim on fridays
+chapped lips
+the hair place that isn't open past 8

6 Things You Touch Everyday.
+ my teddy bear
+ my bed
+ the fridge
+ my toothbrush
+ my keys
+ the car

5 Things You Do Every Morning.
+ hit the "nap" button on my alarm for twenty extra minutes of sleep
+ pet the cat because she gets annoyed that i have to get out of bed and mess up her pillows (my legs)
+ yawn
+ turn on the tv
+ try to eat breakfast

4 People You'd Like To Spend More Time With.
+ Matt
+ Linda
+ Mari

3 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over.
+ Dogma
+ Monty Python and the Holy Grail
+ Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

2 Of Your Favorite Songs at the Moment.
+ Jason Mraz - You and I
+ Britney Spears - Toxic (shut your face...Linda understands...)

1 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With.
+ I don't want to jinx anything


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