Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I really don't like when they change the TV schedule and don't tell me. I go to watch Inuyasha..but it's not's some weird other thing! I don't like! What am I supposed to watch till Conan comes on now?

Anyway...I visited Matt in Virginia over the weekend. Had a very awesome time. Matt gave me a pack of Trojans as a Valentine's present. Really. Hehe, okay, it was PART of the present, and by Trojans I mean he gave me a pack of three little Trojan soldier action figures. The box says "Trojans: Little Guys to Protect the 'Little Guy'" and is shaped like a condom box. The instructions say: Suggested Uses For Woman: Place the Trojan Soldiers between your legs to prevent entry to the palace. Suggested Uses For Men: These trusty soldiers will always be there. They help load and raise the cannon..

This is absolutely a fantastic gift. Along with that I got a rose made of ribbon (hard to explain, but it's pretty!), a little book called "The Art of Kissing", and, my favorite, a picture of the two of us from the last time I visited in a lovely frame.

So back to the Trojans. When I got home I made the mistake of showing these to my mother. I had debated whether or not to show them to her, but I figured she'd probably see them lying around somewhere, not look at what they ACTUALLY were and then think very bad things and possibly sit me down for a talk. So I decided to show them to her first and explain what they were. She sort of gave a weird smile and probably thought they would be funny had they not been a present from the boy violating her daughter. Matt's mom apparently thought they were funny. Then again, she doesn't really seem to mind that I'm violating her son. So all is pretty cool.

We prank called a little. Except it's us, so the prank calls were kinda lame. Such as calling my house and asking for me. And then calling my old room in Ohio and asking for me.

While I was there we hung out with Matt's friends a lot. They are incredibly awesome, I love them. Here is who we hung out with:

Will: Sweetest person in the world. Seriously. If ever I were to use the really corny Clueless term "gave me a toothache" it'd be about Will because he's THAT sweet. And adorable and I'm sure he has girls swooning over him where ever he goes.
Janice: On Saturday Janice went with another girl to a dance (for some sort of gay/straight alliance type thing, I think) and happily went as the guy. Need I even say anything else about how cool she is? She also has really awesome long hair that she can attack people with. (PS She's straight) I hung out with her and her boyfriend the last time I visited and I really do adore both of them. She also seems to share my love of going through other people's purses. So much fun. :-)
Danny: Janice's boyfriend. Looks kinda like Jesus. But really tall. Although who knows how tall Jesus was. While I was there he changed the message on his voicemail to say "Speaaaak" like the guys in Rent have on their machine. He is very very nice (he didn't want Janice to sit in the very very back of Will's station wagon because there was no seatbelt and he didn't want her in an unseatbelted place. Isn't that so sweet? I think so).
Serena: Okay, so you know those people who you meet and then two seconds later you're like "OMG, you're so awesome, lets go be best friends and giggle at boys together"? I swear that's what it was like when I met Serena. She is really fun and hilarious and has a very nice accent as she's Italian but sounds British. I actually had been talking to her online for awhile before I visited, and therefore we already had inside jokes to confuse Matt with. It was great.
Jen: I only got to meet her for an hour or so, really, but she was absolutely hilarious and very nice and agreed with me on how very good the garlic bread in the dining hall was. She also is a Harry Potter fanatic, which is always good in my book.

In conclusion...I had an incredibly great time at UVA. I want to go there, and no, not just 'cause Matt is there. Matt may be the reason I'd look at UVA in the first place, but I wouldn't go there just for him. That would only spell trouble for everyone. I just simply have a really good time there and it's incredibly nice and the people there are awesome. :-)


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