Tuesday, February 10, 2004

I often do very dumb things. Such as get hungry at 1 in the morning and then eat a bunch of mini ranch rice cakes and get a tummy ache. Stupid me.

Matt got into Victor/Victoria or however it's spelled! Yay! I'm so proud of him. :-D I'm also very excited. Going to visit Matt on FRIDAY!!!!! I absolutely cannot wait.

I want to paint something at work, but I think the only time I'll ever have time to actually paint anything is if I come in on my day off. Sigh. Oh well. On Thursday I was trying to help with the dusting (pottery place = crazy amounts of dust on the shelves) but then I got all allergic and unhappy and sick feeling and told my boss I had to stop and why. I hope she doesn't think I'm just trying to get out of dusting. Whipping all that dust around really makes me feel shitty.

So bored. And talking to Philippe about how not many people are going to be around for my birthday. Ho hum.


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