Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Alright, so last week I went food shopping and tried to only get healthy stuff seeing as my mom is prone to snacking on fattening stuff which she totally doesn't need.

But then while I was away over the weekend she went to Costco and bought:

a huge ass carton of cup of noodles (I barely eat enough of those anymore to need that big a carton if any cup of noodles at most we'd need like five and that would probably last me quite awhile)
a huge ass box of easy mac (we still have a shit load left from the last time we got easy mac)
a box of six containers of pringles (I hate pringles beyond understanding...I can deal with some of the flavored ones if I'm really hungry, but the original make me sick)
a big ass box of mashed potatoes (okay, I love mashed potatoes...but holy shit, nobody needs that many...unless you're running a resturant or something..and wouldn't you make your own then?)

So she gets all this crap that no one is every really going to eat for like three months. But she forgets to buy bread. She bought a carton of 96 SERVINGS of mashed potatoes and forgets to buy BREAD.

My mother, ladies and gentlemen.....::bangs head against desk::


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