Sunday, November 16, 2003


Okay, so last night it was like 3:45 in the morning and I was sitting her foolin' around on my computer. My roommate had just fallen asleep and I was glad 'cause she had a truly shitty day.

So anyway, I'm just sitting around and suddenly I hear this shrieking scream from outside. At first I don't think much of it because it was a Friday night and loud yelling is not so unusual around here late at night. Especially on weekends. But then I hear it again and I realize it didn't really sound like the usual yelling and it made me worry. It could have been someone yelling for help, and it sounded like a woman. So a woman shreiking loud enough I could hear her in my room with all my windows closed and the TV on late late at night. That made me worry even more. I was afraid someone was being raped or something.

So I actually got off my ass and after a minutes debate about whether or not I should, I called the university police. I told them I wasn't sure, but I'd heard screaming outside my dorm and was afraid someone was in trouble and thought it'd be best to call just in case. The woman on the phone was okay about it, just asked me if I was sure of what I heard and was the person actually screaming help (I had told her that it sounded like they could have been screaming for help, but I wasn't sure) and she said she had a cop around there who'd go check it out.

I feel pretty good about calling the cops. I mean, better I call them and have it be nothing than not call them and have someone get raped or hurt or worse. I'm sure they definitely prefer that. I hope I did the right thing. I just wish I could find out if anything happened. I'm also not sure I gave them the right directions to where I thought I heard the screaming coming from. Hmm :-\. Like I said. I hope I did the right thing, and if someone needed it, I hope I helped.

That's about all to that story.

And now a question....Winnie the Pooh. Pooh's a weird name. But then I was told that his name is Winnie and he's THE Pooh. But...I thought he was a bear. And what's a Pooh? What the hell? Somebody, please explain! I promise, it will not effect my love of Winnie the Pooh.

G'night now......I think.


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